It was granddaughter Harper’s 2nd birthday this past weekend--geeeeeeeez, we’re so lucky to have this little flower in our lives! Can we have a drumroll for the December (final) installment of our “Year of Clearing”? You and your home must be feeling AMAZING by now! If you’re new to us, you might be interested in our year-long project (which you can begin at any time): Jan--Master Suite May--Kids Stuff September--The Basement Feb--Kitchen June - The Garage October - Crafts & Creative Spaces Mar--Family Room July - Office November - Photos and Mementos Apr--Linen Closet Aug--Entry/Mudroom I know some of you have started decorating for the holidays (Hi, Ann! :) AND, I know that many of you have WAY more decorations than you really want to keep--we have recently gone through this “holiday decorations” category with 3 other clients…(it’s definitely “a thing”--you are not alone!) I get it, it’s easier to reach for the newer, fresher, more appealing things and keep the more tattered, less exciting items at the bottom of the bin. And then, well, they’re sentimental, hard to let go of, so the pile grows and grows and grows… Set yourself up for success: Block off some no-phone time (Ahem...recent statistics report that we check our phone 85 times a day!) Gather boxes, newspaper for wrapping delicates and let’s do this! I’m with you in spirit and honestly, if you get stuck and email us, Kelly or I would be happy to talk you through the tough spots… Get them ALL out--the decorations, remember(?)--I told you I’m here for you! Before you begin: Sink into your life TODAY and how you CURRENTLY celebrate--including how you want to be spending your energy at this time of the year. What to keep? Save the most beautiful, precious items that burst your heart with joy and GIVE the others to someone else in the community who has none. Broken, crumpled, moldy or sad items can go right away--yes, they can. Then think about quantity. Do you need 20 strands of lights or will 10 strands be just as beautiful? Are two trees necessary for your life today or can one beautiful tree give you the Christmas Spirit you’re looking for? Consider how you WOULD like to feel if things were more simple this year. Use this vision as a bonus tool to guide you during this sorting process. IF you want some FUN support for this project (and would rather ice skate or drink chai this month), keep your eyes open to sign up for my FREE E-Course: “GET ORGANIZED!” BOOT CAMP (Plus FREE Bonus Feng Shui Training) January 1-8, 2018 In this training, I will be arriving to your inbox every single day for 8 days with video support so you can take on your toughest hotspot one step at a time! Please join us, it will be a fabulous way to ring in the New Year! Lots of Love, XOXO Upcoming Event: Bring a friend and SIGN UP HERE for the next DreamBank event--Feng Shui 101 Wednesday, December 13th at 6:15pm (Our first evening event!) We would LOVE to see you there!
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Jane Antonovich