Hello Beautiful! Are you soaking up the beautiful spring weather? Opening your windows to get the stagnant air out of your house? Getting outside, breathing the fresh air into your body and lungs? In this weird and wacky time, there are a few things that can instantly refresh us and help bring calm to our world. I look forward to getting out for a walk to center myself and enjoy the season as it unfolds. It is an easy way to instantly lift my energy. When I’m out, I love to see how everyone is sprucing up their yards and entryways as the weather gets warmer. The new plants and flowers and all of the GREEN really lifts me up. A beautiful entry and front door lifts EVERYONE UP and when people notice, the homeowner gets a “CHI” hit--a deposit of chi (or energy) into their personal account--ie: more good stuff for you. In Feng Shui, the entry to your home AND YOUR FRONT DOOR are very important--it’s considered the “mouth of chi” where everything flows in--including Abundance, Confidence, Career, Relationships and Health. Here is a Before and After of a front door entry that we’ve started... BEFORE: Kris and Jason’s Front Door: The Challenges:
AFTER: Kris and Jason will get a lot more attention with this new door color as neighbors pass by! I predict people slowing down to stare and gasp at the beauty of it all :) The color is Raspberry Pudding (B. Moore) and provides exciting FIRE energy for that “have to look” chi hit. We painted the door and ALL the trim to extend the energy in this tall entryway. The posts were painted Iron Mountain (B. Moore) so that they resemble iron, projecting strength and balancing the elements. Future enhancements include upgraded lighting, welcome mat, beautiful flowers and planters. This new entryway definitely raises the energy for Kris and Jason’s family, calling more to enter their home and their lives--abundance, relationships, health and clarity. So, stand back and take a good look at your entryway--what could enhance the chi for your home? If you need help, send me an email -- I’d love to discuss your project with you. Lots of Love, XOXO PS: If you are interested in a Mini-Virtual Feng Shui Session -- Email me and I will be happy to talk with you! PHOTO CREDIT: Kris--thank you
Hello Beautiful! It’s my Birthday WEEK!!!!! I’m incredibly grateful for 61 years of such a good life--full of amazing people, a beautiful home (and plans for a new one this summer, stay tuned) and a kick-ass career. My Birthday Wish is that I can see you and hug you SOOOOOOOON!!!! I miss you ALL terribly. I’ve talked to many of you recently, #saferathome, and ACUTELY aware of how your home is/isn’t supporting you...it is amazing, isn’t it, to be faced with it all day, every day? There are things we can do NOW that will make a huge difference in your space OR we can PLAN for the time when we can work together to create a space that feels:
It’s different for everybody and every design is unique--just know that I’m here for you and happy to have a conversation about what that could look like. Feel free to reach out by replying to this email :) And, in the meantime, here’s a fun Before and After for you to dream into... BEFORE: This was Kris and Jason’s Living Room at our first visit--and they were EXCITED for a BIG Feng Shui Adventure)!!! The chairs face the fireplace and the TV-- Also, they have 2 adorable kids and love to watch movies, read and play games with them in this space, too. The Challenges:
So, we started over--they are so brave! AFTER: This room was transformed! A big, red, soft couch with 4 seats and a chaise was the first addition to the space--big enough for everyone plus the pets :). This couch is a BEACON for “Come, Sit, Relax and Snuggle-up”. The walls were painted a soft greenish blue--Pleasant Valley (B. Moore). This room is in the wealth corner, so from a Feng Shui perspective, the color supports abundance flowing into their lives, too. The love seat was replaced with two little swivel rockers which are like having FUN amusement park rides in the living room. The swivel feature allows them to turn to face the TV, the person in the kitchen or each other--swivel chairs are magic! The art over the sofa is a photo of a place they love to vacation as a family--a soothing beach shot of Turks and Caicos. Do you see how it pulls in the color from the kitchen--feeling SO cohesive? The wavy-shaped mirror (more water energy) helps bounce light around and reflects the art, too. The rug is BIGGER, made of totally cleanable Stainmaster Nylon--super soft to play on. The teal ottomans, of a soft ultrasuede fabric, can be shifted around to wherever they’re needed and also keep the space feeling casual and soft. You can’t see in the pics, but we also added built-in cabinets on either side of the fireplace to hold toys, books, games and extra blankets--a great way to finish off that wall and create useful storage. Just FEEL the difference--the balance of the elements and the beauty of the carefully chosen colors, textures, shapes, EVERYTHING creates a balanced, uplifting room. And, in the spirit of-- “The Better it Gets, The Better it Gets” --this family has gone on to transform their dining room, kitchen, craft area, master bedroom and we are currently working on their lower Level Family room, Home Office/Exercise space, bathrooms and exterior colors. Because once you start… Lots of Love, XOXO PS: If you are interested in a Mini-Virtual Feng Shui Session --Send me an email and I will be happy to talk with you!
PHOTO CREDIT: Mason, Hegeman, Nancy Noet--Thank You! |
Jane Antonovich