Hello Beautiful! Do you struggle with: Simplifying, Letting go, Clearing, and Decluttering? (Who doesn’t, right?) So many people have been sharing their challenges decluttering and organizing their spaces with me (especially over the past 2 years!) – and I can feel the stress in their voices… I can even sense how the HOUSE feels having to hold all of that excess stuff. And it’s important to remember: the clutter laying around is NOT just about the clutter. When there’s clutter & chaos in your space, it also drags down your HEART (...and our hearts can only take so much). Lots of people have spent more time at home these last 2 years– and are faced with the effects of their *STUFF* more than ever before. In many cases, it doesn't feel all that good! IF you are stressed out about your *STUFF* and feel stuck about how or when to get started, I’ve got a FUN and EASY and FREE way to give you some support as you move through your stickiest spaces--kitchen, garage, office, basement, mementos, dining room, closets… I’ve decided to do something special – as a BIG TREAT just for being in my circle, and dedicating your time and Chi toward making beautiful, positive changes in your life. This is my gift to help support all of you - no matter where you live, or what your circumstances - so you can empower yourself… by empowering your SPACE: “GET-IT-DONE!” CLUTTER CLEARING CIRCLE February 17th at 3:30pm PT/4:30pmMT/5:30pm CT/6:30pmET
Join us here on Zoom Meeting ID: 818 5332 6680 Passcode: 848110 I hope you can make it… (I’ll email you a recording afterwards if you can’t). On this webinar, we’ll:
See you Thursday, Feb 17th! Lots of Love, XOXO
Jane Antonovich