Hello Beautiful! Happy Turkey Day--no matter how or where you’re celebrating this year, PLEASE stay safe and hold on to the magic--we will be together again soon!!! In the meantime, our home on top of the old 50’s Mobil Gas Station is almost DONE!!!! We’ve been here for about 2 months and have cleaned and painted and fixed every square inch of the place-- I wanted to share a video with you for each of the next few weeks to show one part of the project and discuss the Feng Shui behind it. This week I am happy to share the ENTRYWAY with you-- Enjoy (and as always, I would love to hear from you)! Lots of Love + Virtual Hugs and Kisses
Hello Beautiful! I’m going to dive right in--I’m SO passionate about today’s topic! Fairly often I write a ‘Before and After’ newsletter post (like last week) and most of my Instagram/Facebook posts include tiny ‘before and after’ stories. I’ve been noticing that these are the posts that are the most engaging--It’s THRILLING to see people reacting in this way since my mission is to attract people who resonate with this work and raise the vibration of the planet--one gorgeous client at a time. I went a little deeper with this idea--WHY???????, I wondered, are ‘before and after’ stories so compelling? Here's my brainstormed list--see if any of these resonate with you--
My top 5 ‘before and after’ shots: Master Bathroom Upgrade Powder Room Enhancement: “ A picture is worth a thousand words…” from H. Ibsen Reply to this post and let me know why YOU love to see and read about “before and after” transformations, and/or which of the transformations above is your favorite--I would love to hear from you! I’m off to a (very safe) photo shoot this afternoon, so more pictures to come! Lots of Love and virtual hugs/kisses, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: Hailey Reimer-Stark, Mark Schepker, Nancy Noet--Thank you SO MUCH! |
Jane Antonovich