Hello Beautiful! We are having a WOW(!) week here at Jane Antonovich Designs: clients finishing up big projects, we’re having some beautiful photographs taken (SO excited to share the results with you) and some new projects are unfolding! One thing that’s been coming up with our clients recently is how to make a beautiful, energetically aligned space for guests. Whether it’s for an occasion like a wedding, or the upcoming holidays, or an occasional visit from family…a little TLC and thoughtful planning can make a huge difference in a guest room space. 6 Steps to Raise the Energy of Your Guest Room:
If you are the air mattress-in-the-office-(or the sofa bed)-type of host, you can STILL use the ideas above to make a cozy, comfortable space for your guests. Yes, you can. ***Caution: If the Feng Shui in your home (and the guest room in particular) is TOO GOOD, your guests will not want to leave :) For fun, “test” out your guest room by spending a night there to see how it feels and adjust accordingly! Email me to let me know how your Guest Room VIBES are feeling--I would love to hear from you. And, if you would like to really make HUGE SHIFT in your space (and your life), email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: Hadley DeJaynes, Mark Schepker
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Hello Beautiful! What a fun week--I wanted to give you a sneak peek of Ulla Eyewear...we’ve been working with them for several months and have nearly completed the showroom--up next are their offices! If you need eyeglasses or sunglasses and are looking for Edgy, Cool, Fun, or Fancy options--check them out at the Hilldale Shopping Center. It’s the store with the HUGE NEW chandelier--WOWZA: (BTW, Ulla’s having a BIG Anniversary Event going on this weekend--so stop in to see what’s happening!) ****************** A few of you have asked about the Feng Shui Elements and how they relate to your space… The A to this Q is COMPLICATED--I think about it this way… There are 5 Elements in Feng Shui:
When they are all in balance, it feels wonderful, the vibes are GOOD and you never want to leave the space. You can instantly feel when the elements are in harmony or when one or more of them have gotten out of balance. Let’s start by focusing on the element of FIRE: The Fire Element is represented by:
Example of Too Much Fire in a space:
The above Living Room may have won awards for its design, but from a Feng Shui perspective, it’s out of balance and if you were to live in this space you might feel:
When FIRE is in balance in your space (as in this client’s home): You feel--
So, check out your home or office, how do the rooms feel, in general, do you have fire elements in your space AND how do they make you feel? Notice the element of fire--do you have too much, too little, or does it feel just right? There are always “corrections” that can be made in a space to balance the elements--when I work with clients to harmonize, balance and upgrade a space, I am always aware of these foundational principles and use very specific design “remedies” in the form of paint color, art, fabric choices, furniture, space planning, flooring, and art to correct or cure the energy of a space that has gotten out of balance. I will be highlighting the other elements in future posts, so keep an eye out :) And, if you would like to have a conversation about working together, just email us and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: Mark Schepker, Brittany Graber
Hello Beautiful! I cannot tell you how many people I hear (some of these are eavesdropped conversations, but also, clients, friends, family) talking about clearing out, decluttering, minimizing, lightening up...maybe it’s happening in your world too? Or maybe it’s you! It seems like there’s a collective PULL to MAKE SPACE--do you feel it? I know that you have heard me talk about how clutter DRASTICALLY affects the energy of your space and how being BRAVE and letting go of those things that you do not LOVE or NEED will make a huge difference in your life… So, today, I’m going to give you a place to focus, an opportunity to make a Huge Difference in the energy of your home… Let’s turn our attention to the bathroom, the room that we use to clean ourselves up, clear ourselves out and pamper ourselves too! It’s often neglected and last on the list for upgrades--so saaaaaaaad. So, whether you’re preparing for a design upgrade or not, take a good look at your bathroom and let go of that which does not serve you--it is a relatively easy way to upgrade this space--PRONTO! Let’s take a peek together, shall we? (It’s Ok, I’m right here!) Set your self up for success by assembling a couple of bags/boxes for donation/recycling/trash. Turn OFF your phone and dedicate some time... Choose one Drawer/Cabinet and Start (and if there’s STUFF on the counter, it’s probably because there’s no room in the cabinets):
Things to keep an eye out for:
Leave 10% SPACE in every drawer and shelf for maximum Chi Flow When you do this (not IF, I know you, you go-getter) take a before and after pic and share with us, we would LOVE to celebrate with you! And then once you’ve got the space cleared out, how about adding something beautiful to celebrate your success? Or, consider REALLY going for it with a beautiful Feng Shui Design upgrade… Before/After: Before/After: Before/After: All 3 of these bathrooms were CLEARED OUT before the Feng Shui Design happened. You just can’t create beauty and expand the energy of a bathroom if the drawers have clutter inside and the cupboards are stuffed with stuff that doesn’t serve you. The Feng Shui Design upgrades will never feel as good... Contact us to show us your transformations, we would love to see what you’re up to! Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: Mark Shepcker, Nancy Noet
Hello Beautiful! I’ve missed you! I know, I’ve been away for awhile, let me update you… Amazing Feng Shui projects have happened while we were apart (can’t WAIT to share--coming SOON!) We (Bob, lovely husband, and I) have had quite the summer (Oh, you too?) helping our kids (yes, more than 1…) move and get set up in new homes, played with our 6 (!!!!!!!) grandbabiezzzzzzz, visited with friends, and just returned from a beautiful vacation in Maine: So, let’s get back to business, shall we? We had a wonderful event at the Dreambank this summer and met So Many Fantastic new people! You probably already know that I love to spread the word about how POWERFUL Feng Shui Design is and how it can Rock Your World by harnessing the energy of your space to create a home (and life) you LOVE... At the Dreambank event, one of the participants asked, “ What paint color is best for my bedroom?” I didn’t have the time to elaborate, so I wanted to give you ALL my thoughts on this…because if she was wondering, you might be wondering, too! Your Bedroom’s TOP FUNCTIONS are to support you for rest, rejuvenation and making love. (And in case you’re wondering--NOT for TV-watching, work, or playing games on your phone, also not a storage locker.) The most important thing to consider when choosing a paint color for your bedroom is how it affects your personal energy and what color(s) you need to lift your energy higher. (This is very hard to do for yourself, BTW!) You might need a watery color to relax and go with the flow, you might need a coral color to add fire and passion to your room/life or maybe lavender which is a combination of water and fire--a balanced feeling. Maybe you need green--a vibrant heart chakra color--or brown for grounding earth energy. If you have read anything about Feng Shui, you know there are RULES about areas of your home that correlate to areas of your life and there are colors, numbers, animals and elements associated with areas, too. It can get Complicated. I believe that the rules of Feng Shui are a solid foundation and guide. When I practice Feng Shui they always inform my choices but the only thing that really matters is YOU and YOUR personal energy. In designing your bedroom we want to support your rest and intimacy and create a space that is compelling AND beautiful. Beauty fills and expands your soul in ways that nothing else can. So taking the energy/beauty up as high as possible will give you the most return on any investment you make in the upgrades to this important space in your home. So, (yes, I’m getting around to answering the question…) All The Colors are on the table--there is no ONE best color for your bedroom--it depends on you. A beautiful Feng Shui bedroom will fill you to the brim and cause you to feel as if you’re coming home to your gorgeous, perfect self. Some examples of bedrooms with a BIG CHI HIT: (Remember, these are designed to be UNIQUE to the people who inhabit them--yours will be perfect for YOU!) Your Homework? (Hey, it’s Back to School…) Give your bedroom a look with fresh Feng Shui eyes…
Email me your answers, I would love to hear how this goes for you! Also, you know I would love to jump on the phone and talk over your design projects with you...reply to this email and we will set something up! Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDITS: Nancy Noet, Mark Schepker, Janice Laufenberg, Mason Hegeman, Hadley Dejaynes |
Jane Antonovich