It was still cold here in Madison, WI, last weekend so Bob (lovely husband) and I went in search of Spring and landed at the Flower Show at Olbrich Gardens (warm, tropical and GREEN!). The perfect antidote to cabin fever--plus we saw plants from all over the world which got us thinking about our next vacation...funny how that works :)
It’s Spring--the feeling that EVERYTHING can begin again. It’s time to let go and start fresh--no wonder it feels like time to purge and clean--to make room for tulips, birds, butterflies, bunnies, chicks, fragrant blossoms, romance, birth, renewal and hope! How about using the energy of the season to catapult you into clearing and cleaning your home? Spring Cleaning, Anyone???? Release Clutter Top to Bottom Let go of all the old, worn-out, broken and “bummer” items that are dragging you down. I know it’s easier said than done, start small, but start somewhere, set a timer--make it a game--and GO!
Bob and I ventured out to do some early spring hiking at our favorite little waterfall spot last weekend--Pewit's Nest. It was Muddy, Icy and Chilly but SO GOOD to get outside for some nature vitamins! We are smack dab in the middle of the Transformational Feng Shui course--WOW! What fun and such amazing souls in the group! We started the class learning the RULES of Feng Shui--’cuz you have to lay the foundation before you build the house--right? It’s a funny thing balancing energy work (Feng Shui) with rules :) I see it like this: How is your week going? I’m in GO! Mode--daughters and babies visited last weekend, the FS class is in full swing (Really Fun!!!!!) and I’ve got clients who are diving right into BIG Feng Shui projects--OMG, really amazing people and fantastic projects!!!! I realized that we’re always talking about “CHI” here in Feng Shui land...and that you may or may not know what it is and how it works… What is Chi? Chi is the mysterious stuff that makes the world go ‘round, (aka: prana, energy, life force, spirit, pizzazz, vitality, power)--it’s in every single thing: in you, and the birds, rocks, air and your morning latte…
Scientists confirm that even the most dense object has life force in it--meaning EVERYTHING is created from these moving molecules. Amazing, huh????? It is hard to put into words something so vast and unknowable and doing so tends to limit and squash the greatness of it. Chi is a mystery beyond mysteries--a secret probably impossible for any of us to fully understand. |
Jane Antonovich