I'm SO HAPPY to have been published in the American Dreams FALL Magazine!
Here is the story of how I found out... A friend called and said, “I usually RECYCLE MY MAIL right away (just as you suggest, Jane) but for some reason I opened it this time and THERE YOU WERE!” And yes, there I am, on pages 1 & 2, no less, in a delightful article with my checklist for ANY clutter hotspot...I was SO SURPRISED! True, I had sent over some copy and a picture to American Family Insurance in July sometime, but did not think another thing about it...until, like MAGIC, there it was! It was awesome to be published. The best part for me, though, is this enchanting concept of sending my hopes and dreams out into the universe and then BAM! (when I least expected it) they’re DELIVERED! Just makes me laugh out loud (and if you were at the Women’s Retreat--you know I’ve got that big laugh in me--just waiting to come out :)) Soooooo...What MAGIC do you want to create for yourself? Close your eyes for 1 minute and breathe--What do you want, really? It’s a BIG question, isn’t it? Have you stopped to consider it lately? Are you wishing for...
Well...let’s make it happen! Right now, send your request out to the universe--I’ll wait! Did you ever consider that your HOME can support your dreams? When I work with clients, I ALWAYS ask them what they want. We use that to guide our work together. Because, truthfully, it’s easy to get off track. Imagine this scene: You want increased health, vitality, and ZIP! AND YET, this is what is represented in your home: Oldy, moldy boxes in the basement, stuff that need replacing or just to be tossed, lots of clutter crammed in closets and storage spaces, walls that haven’t been painted in eons, dusty art, furniture that’s broken or torn and FRUSTRATION about how to handle it all. That environment is not going to get you very far in the health, vitality and ZIP department! WHAT IF…
It is possible to design a home to support your dreams-- I have seen amazing results for clients over and over again. Installing deep, heartfelt desires into the design of a home is my area of expertise. It’s my passion! If you feel called to MORE *fill in the blank* and want to have the adventure of enhancing your space to match that, contact me, I would LOVE to support you. Lots of Love, XO Jane PS: Yes, I did cut my own bangs yesterday, Why?
Breathing Room, a compelling book by Lauren Rosenfeld and Dr. Melva Green, was a huge “YES!” for me as I turned each page and completely resonated with the stories and insights that were woven so beautifully there, The heart and soul with which it’s written matches what bubbles up inside of me as I work with clients and see first-hand how this work transforms their lives. If you are craving some insight and wisdom on this topic, I would highly recommend reading it--it’s a “fascinating blend of the spiritual, practical and personal stories about how we can all declutter (and design) our lives.”
I know MANY OF YOU desire “breathing room”, too. I talk to you just about every day. And even though you are all beautifully unique, there is a common thread-- Every. Single. One. of you wants to love the moments of your lives. If your spaces (hidden or not) feel stuck with items no longer relevant to your life, then you are being held back by irrelevant/stagnant physical items, making it much harder to step into a life you love. Lots of people are right where you are-- Let’s Take it Step by Step: Get Honest--This involves some quiet and introspection. Are you ready to drop in and acknowledge your desire for more? And, not more “things” :) but more LIFE, CREATIVITY, CONNECTION or SUCCESS! The idea here is to scan your space and scan your emotions and body at the same time. Start by answering these questions: Where in your home do things feel stuck? The closets, the basement, under the bed? How does that make you feel--emotionally and physically? Make a note of it. Is there a place in your home where the energy flows? How does that make you feel? What if your whole space was beautiful and flowing? Acknowledge all of this, make a note of it. Take some deep breaths, you are creating some mental space in preparation for what’s next... Set Your Intention-- If you have my ToolKit, then you have the “Room by Room Observation” Form. (If not, sign up HERE and get your FREE GIFT.) Use this form to visit each room. As much as possible, drop your reasons and emotions. Let your heart take over and make notes: What is the function of this room? What do I like about this room? What are the problems? How do I FEEL In this room? How do I WANT TO FEEL in this room? What would be a possible starting place? What action (no matter how small) could get me moving in the direction I desire? Where could I begin? Decide and Choose--This is where things can get tricky...you have set the stage, and have a starting point. And the actual “doing” can be the point at which you move forward or quit. My best advice for getting past this tipping point is to take your hands off your hips and actually pick up something. Start moving physical items, make the easiest decisions first, because that’s when the magic happens. Something kicks in, your BODY gets involved, and the energy starts moving. When making decisions about what to keep and what to let go of, go back to your intentions, does the dear, old, raggedy bathrobe fuel your future--maybe it does--or is it an old, extra, never-gets-chosen item that is clogging up the closet? This is where your personal energy is the ONLY MEASURE of what to keep and what to lovingly pass along. If each book, paper, trinket, or objet d’art does not make you smile, bring you joy, or sing to your soul, then say “bu-bye”. Acknowledge--When the timer rings, or your “session” comes to a close--and I don’t recommend more than an hour or two to start--acknowledge your progress, your investment in your space, yourself and YOUR LIFE! Enjoy the feeling of a new beginning, a perceptible shift in your space and possibly in your self. This is YOU on your way to creating a life you LOVE. Do something to honor your work and the increase in your health and joy. If you need ideas for celebration, I’ve got a few: a bite of dark chocolate, a nap, a walk in the sun, chai with milk and honey, or EMAIL ME to brag :) I answer my emails and would love to hear your story. If this resonates with you, carve out a little time, follow the steps and get curious about what will happen for you! The shifts I’ve seen for clients, both profound and subtle, are amazing and I would love to hear how your life expands, too. If you want support as you move through this process, please contact me, I would love to work with you! Lot’s of Love, XOXO Jane |
Jane Antonovich