YooHoo!!!!! How are you this week? Bob and I are dreaming of our upcoming trip to South Africa--now we just need to find some time to sit down and do a little planning! Bathrooms, especially little powder rooms, are often one of those “forgotten” spaces in a home. And if you’ve been following along with one of the most important tenets of Feng Shui: EVERYTHING MATTERS (A BIG lesson I learned from my Feng Shui mentor)...then you will understand why we MUST bring beauty and balance and a little squeal of delight to every bathroom we encounter! Here are a few recent bathroom upgrades--”before and after” shots: ~Bathroom #1 Manotee (if you remember her beautiful home from LAST WEEK and the MONTH BEFORE…) had a little powder room off of the entry to her home. It looked like this: With some gorgeously printed metallic wallpaper, a new “Dancing Egrets” print, new lighting and a mirror (that she already owned--leaning against the wall in another room)...this tiny little space is completely transformed and no longer forlorn and lost but fun and vibrant! If you don’t have to “go” at least go in and wash your hands :) ~Bathroom #2 Check out this standard apartment issue bathroom “before” picture: And with a little removable wallpaper (cuz it’s an apartment, of course!), a gorgeous shower curtain and art that she already had, we created this “OOOOOOO, AHHHHHH!” Fancy-Pants Bathroom! ~Bathroom #3 Whoops, we didn’t take the “before” picture until the woodwork got painted with glossy black paint! But you can still see it in progress, with a swatch of the wallpaper taped up to see… And, here is the finished room--snazzy, stylin’ lots-o-chi bathroom! This family has doubled their water intake so they can spend MORE time in the bathroom!!!! Wouldn’t you? ~Bathroom #4 I have no before picture of this bathroom :( and it’s still in progress--a towel bar and towels, and a shower curtain are yet to be added... But, WHOA! It’s a funky aquarium in here and a HUGE HIT with guests and the teens of this family. It’s possible that any forgotten, forlorn and lowly little bathroom can have a fun and exciting new life, and give you a smile Every. Single. Time. you need a bathroom break! Which bathroom in the list above is your favorite? Reply to this email and let me know! Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: Janice Laufenberg
I got to hang out with these lovely people last week--My friend Felicia, her new baby and 2 of her other cutie kids...ADORABLE!!!! Felicia founded the DSS Community Center for the Brentwood Neighborhood in Madison and has grown the program by leaps and bounds--such a fabulous addition to the community! The program is held at Warner Park but when they get their own space, someday...we have some very “FUN” shui plans! This week we are continuing our tour of Manotee’s gorgeous home with a peek into her main living space. If you missed the entry and sitting room, it’s RIGHT HERE. When we first met, one of the things Manotee wanted was Feng Shui support in the area of LOVE and romance. She said she was ready to have someone special in her life--she’s fun, active, and a fantastic person in so many ways!!! And, yet, her home was DEFINITELY not reflective of that. The before pictures of her living space: The living area and dining room were dark, gray, heavy--it’s a little hard to imagine starting a new, vibrant relationship in this living space. It’s just not a match! Balanced, Beautiful and Feng Shui-ed: Her beautifully upgraded living space has Passion. It’s powerful, fun and flirty. It speaks to her Native American heritage and is full of Joy and Love. Now it’s a gorgeous match to her exquisite self*! *This work is very personal and this room is created especially for Manotee. It simply wouldn’t be for everyone! Feng Shui Notes: Even though we usually put PAIRS of items in the relationship corner (where the big fuschia chair is…) this time we intentionally put ONE beautiful chair. This chair was chosen specifically for Manotee to claim her Royal, “Satisfied Woman” status before moving into a romantic relationship. Can’t you just see her sitting in that fuschia velvet chair with crown and scepter, choosing who the next date will be:) ??? The art was chosen (and painted especially for her) to enhance the romance area of her home, Artist: Danielle O’Connor Akiyama. -Paint colors, a watermelon and a deep, rich peach tone, leather sofa, and geometric weavings were chosen for their fire energy. -Brass River Rock coffee table for metal energy and it’s soft, organic shape. -Chocolate rug (soooooo soft) chosen for earth energy and to blend beautifully with the dark wood floors. -The mirrored insides of the dining room cabinet shelves and BIG crystal chandelier were added for reflection and water energy. The results are fabulous--a beautiful example of how your home and life can be uplifted by harnessing the power of your space. Are you in need of a space (or life) upgrade? Is there a room in your home that could use some beautiful Feng Shui design? I would love to jump on the phone with you and discuss the possibility of working together! Email me here to set up a phone appointment: [email protected] Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: Janice Laufenberg
How is your week going? Bob (lovely husband) and I got out on the motorcycle this weekend and rode all over the beautiful rolling hills out to Spring Green, WI--gorgeous (!) and one of the things on my short list of “Things That Make Me Really Happy!” So if you see a cute guy on a blue Harley, zipping around with a grinning woman on the back--that’s us! Annnnd, on the subject of a “Happy List”--anyone out there wishing they could lose a few pounds? Q: I have had THREE people ask me in the last 2 weeks if Feng Shui had any connection to losing weight… A: Yes! I have worked with several clients who have lost weight (and kept it off) by changing their environment through Feng Shui. When there is clutter in your home (especially in your closet), layers and layers of it all around, you may also be carrying layers of extra weight on your body. In my experience, there is a correlation between extra STUFF and extra weight. Remember, your home is a living, breathing journal for your life. We can “read” what’s going on in your life, just by taking a look at and what’s showing up in your space. Clutter AND extra weight are insulating, immobilizing and can make us feel stuck. TOO MUCH IN AND NOT ENOUGH OUT (So, whether it’s calories or STUFF, the balance has tipped…) Clutter everywhere, stuffed and stuck, impacts your health. Deleting the “downers” can have a powerful effect on your health AND your weight. 3 Gifts Hiding In Your Closet-- 1. Discover Blocks, Boost Personal Growth If you’re into personal growth, there’s no better portal than your closet for a little soul-searching. Let’s crack open the door and take a peek… The skeletons and secrets that most of us hide in our closets are plentiful and they can lead to HUGE shifts in the areas of weight, identity, body image, and general health. Are you willing to turn on the light and take a stand for your health and happiness? 2. Create An Identity That Matches You TODAY Your clothes are a metaphor for your life. First, get clear about the image you want to project. This may take some more of the aforementioned soul-searching! Who are you? Strong, sexy, creative, classic, elegant? Write it down, feel into it...then take an objective look at your clothes (easier said than done, I know)--they hold messages for you. How many of the sad, stretched thin, somber pieces can go BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT A MATCH TO YOU? It is a process, don’t expect it to happen all at once, but start, take out at least 3 items from your closet right now that doesn’t match YOU! Right now! GO! 3. Enjoy Physical Health Benefits HUGE weight loss tip: get rid of ALL of the clothes in your closet that are too tight for you. And guess what will happen? Yep, you will lose weight! Relaxing into and loving who you are AT THIS MOMENT and dressing beautifully and in alignment with the image you want to offer to the world (see #2.) will ABSOLUTELY open up space for other health gifts to appear including losing weight. Client Success Story In our years of working together, Marie took up weightlifting and healthy eating and lost 30 pounds! She has kept it off for 10+ years. She also dealt with other blocks that had kept her from being her best self. She said, “I would rather drink wine than go down to the basement (or into the closets, office, or cupboards). I was even thinking about paying my husband to do the laundry so I didn’t have to go downstairs...” Now, she has space in her life for JOY, Family and Connection. She says, “ I no longer have junk in my home--I don’t feel like putting junk food in my body anymore either.” After your CLOSET, head to the BASEMENT which is the second place where clutter will adversely affect your health. Watch for an upcoming blog post (first week of September) for details on how to clear the basement in your home! Feng Shui Enhancements When the clutter is GONE, let’s take a good look at the Bagua and the HEALTH area of your home. Located in the CENTER of your home--and of primary importance in your life--if you don’t have your health, manifesting richness in other areas of your life will feel difficult. In the health area of your home, we can play with enhancements to further boost your weight loss adventure! Color, Art, Lighting, Furniture Arrangement, are all possibilities for expanding your space AND your life. If you’re interested in clearing clutter for your health, or enhancing your space and health through Feng Shui Design, reply to this email, we would love to support you to create space for your life to blossom! Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: Janice Laufenberg
Welcome to all of you who joined us from the DreamBank last week! It was a fabulous afternoon, I am always so honored to be asked back and have the chance to meet all of you. For fun last week, I also spent a day in Chicago with daughter Morgan--we ran all over the city, went up to the top of the John Hancock Building for the view, took a boat ride up the river, ate good food and squeezed in a couple of fun people watching sessions. With such a big family (and another grandbaby on the way--Weeeeee…) it’s SO SPECIAL to find a moment alone with my daughter from the faraway land of Boulder, CO! If you’re new, we’ve been on a mission this YEAR to clear one space a month. You can catch up here: Catch up here: Jan--Master Suite Feb--Kitchen Mar--Family Room Apr--Linen Closet May--Kids Stuff June - The Garage July - Office You can start anytime and at any point in the process--just start! Today we’re laying out a plan for your entry or mudroom--or both for you go-getters! These areas need consistent maintenance with the changing seasons and needs of your family. Stuff trailing out on the floor indicates that the closet, mudroom or entry storage IS FULL. Big Hint for you to spring into action! Prepare for success: Get boxes or bags ready for sorting, trash/recycling, and donation. Put up the “Nobody’s Home” sign, turn off your phone (I know--YIKES!) and for a short amount of time--focus. If your family can help--AWESOME! If not, send them to the park. Aim for a 30 minute time frame to start. Start at the Top: Top Shelf--this is where we find umbrellas, odd pieces of sports equipment, old phone books, grocery bags, light bulbs, tools, batteries, hats, mittens, money, mail, pet items and more. The Middle: Go through hanging items: Are the coats, jackets and snowpants still relevant? Do you and your family members still choose them? Or are they old, tired, worn and unloved? Please send them out to another family in the community who would really really LOVE to have them. Consider a hanger upgrade--a small change like this can give an instant lift to your space. The Floor: It’s time to reach WAY back to the far corners of the closet--Be Brave--get after the old shoes, boots, hangers all tangled on the floor. When everything’s out, clean the floor with an uplifting, perhaps citrus-y scent. Storage idea: Consider hanging canvas shoe storage on the inside of the closet door for items like dog leash, pet pick-up bags, flashlight, sunscreen, and shoes! Beauty: Check to make sure there is enough light and add something beautiful to make you smile when you open the door! Yes, we did wallpaper the back of the closet shelves :) Rinse and Repeat for the Mudroom: Go through each cubby one at a time, letting go of items that no longer fit, making space for backpacks and relevant sports equipment. Consider your life--what needs to be immediately accessible and what can go elsewhere? There! Now Celebrate! Lots of Love, XOXO SUCCESS STORY: “My nephew came over and said (of the new living room paint and wallpaper)--’WOW, Aunt Amy! This place is a real mood booster--and the dragon wallpaper is dope!”
~Amy D. PHOTO CREDIT: Janice Laufenberg, Renee Nelson |
Jane Antonovich