Happy Holidays-- FaLaLaLaLa--LaLaLaLaaaaaaaa! I wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy Holiday! Whether you plan to celebrate BIG, create some quiet time for yourself, or skip the holidays entirely: I hope you have a *SUPER-SELF-ADORING* day. Because as I was getting revved up for Christmas this morning, I was feeling SO grateful for you… Without YOU, I wouldn’t get to share my own gifts with the world. And I wouldn’t get to help YOU share YOUR gifts with the world, too! Everyday I get to watch people like yourself finally step into their divine talents, missions and joy. ...What job is better than that? : ) I get to watch people get unstuck. Get Healthy. Find the love of their life. And make a massive difference in the world. I watch people fall in love with themselves, just as they are. I watch hearts open. I watch inner passions get ignited. ...All by making big, beautiful, healing changes to your home and office environments. So THANK YOU ENDLESSLY for all the inspiration you give to me! And THANK YOU even more for all you’ve done (or plan to do) to empower yourself –– whether it’s through tossing some clutter, getting more organized, sparkling up your space… or simply getting inspired by these weekly messages. Big or small, EVERY shift counts. EVERY baby step matters. Just know: No matter what your current circumstances, I believe in you 1000%. You are worthy beyond measure... just by being YOU. So all I want for Christmas (besides my 2 front teeth)... is a world where everyone knows how precious and important they truly are… Starting with YOU!!!!!!!! (I’m pretty sure Santa would agree…) Big holiday love to you! XOXO PS: If you’re still looking for that one-of-a-kind holiday treat (for you, or someone you love) –– there’s still a few more days left (till Dec 31st) to grab up my once-a-year Special Holiday Bundle savings: 4 – ½ DAY IN-PERSON ORGANIZATIONAL SESSIONS… get one FREE! 4 – VIRTUAL 1-HOUR ORGANIZATIONAL SESSIONS… get one FREE! Just reply here if you have any questions or want to get more information on these life-changing services…
I want you to have the most empowered, organized, streamlined and inspiring 2020 imaginable! And from my personal and professional experience, your home is one of the FIRST, and MOST POWERFUL tools, to help you get there!
Hello Beautiful! How was your Thanksgiving? We had a wonderful holiday--our family also celebrates Christmas this time of year--so efficient :) I realize that my dream of 14-17 more years of getting a version of this picture may not come true… But for now, Christmas Jammies, a Sofa Photo and a Gift Exchange is one of the highlights of my year :) (Someone on Instagram commented that I had “Feng Shuied” the grandbabies--true, I couldn’t help myself!) Today let’s focus on a Feng Shui Upgrade that can be done in a short amount of time and will make a BIG impact… What’s on Your Nightstand? In Feng Shui, nightstands hold major significance within your bedroom. They have the ability to ground and balance you (and your room). To shift your mindset, consider that nightstands serve as an altar for your bed and have the power to improve your sleep and intimacy--work from this perspective and you will most likely feel results more quickly. What you have on your nightstands is the last thing you see before you sleep and the first thing you see when you wake up--so powerful! Here are some things to consider:
Adorn your nightstand with any of these:
What’s on your nightstand? Does it contribute to a restful night’s sleep? Or romance? I would LOVE to hear from you! And, if you need or want assistance in getting the energy flowing in your bedroom (and your life), email us and I will get in touch with you--pronto! Lots of Love, XOXO PS: If you’re on Instagram, look me up, @jantonovich, we are having a LOT of fun over there--daily-ish posts and videos that I don’t share anywhere else--JOIN US! |
Jane Antonovich