We are on BabyWatch as Grandbaby #3 is due on Christmas Day--how seasonal(!) (12/27 update: It's a girl! Grandbaby welcomed on 12/25!) In the meantime, we had a fabulous event at the DreamBank on December 13th--a BIG welcome to the new members of our e-community! What fun to see past clients, meet new people and spread my love of Feng Shui!!! The DreamBank, as always, is a fantastic place to hold an event--check it out next time you’re on the square. I will keep this short, I know you have a mile-long list and Things To Do! As we say goodbye to the darkness and the ever-increasing light begins (THE WINTER SOLSTICE IS TODAY!)…take a quiet moment to tune-in and ask yourself this one question: “What do I really want?” (I know this can open a whole can of worms, maybe even a hundred cans of worms!) Because, as you probably already guessed, I’m not asking, “Do you want a sweater or slippers for Christmas?” I’m asking a much bigger question-- For your life, what do you want?
It’s very possible that (this thing you want) is closer than you realize and it’s also possible that by CLEARING CLUTTER and/or using FENG SHUI DESIGN that (this thing you want) could materialize in the coming year. Wouldn’t you love that? Have a Merry, Happy, Gorgeous Holiday, Lots of Love, XOXO PS: I’ll see you in the New Year--we are taking the week off between Christmas and New Year's Day :)
We had a blast last week!!!! And by “we” I mean, Kelly, my associate (on the left) and Janice, our photographer (on the right)... It was a Feng Shui BLAST to pouf up pillows, arrange flowers and stand back and let Janice work her magic! Pictures coming sooooooon, I can’t wait to share!
We went to Ann’s place for a great big family room/game room/bathroom re-do and to another home for the entry, living room, dining room and bonus room! So much fun to see the designs and the LIVES OF THESE BEAUTIFUL FAMILIES unfold. And that’s why I do this work! --Now that the family room is complete...Ann’s teens have had many parties and sleep-overs, playing ping pong, foosball and board games. (This past weekend the friends stayed until 3am)! Her entire family, including grandma, lounged around on the new HUGE CURVED sofa for a whole weekend to watch movies and eat popcorn together--all 5 of them! And her teen daughter is always there (instead of her room) doing school work and crafting. It was granddaughter Harper’s 2nd birthday this past weekend--geeeeeeeez, we’re so lucky to have this little flower in our lives! Can we have a drumroll for the December (final) installment of our “Year of Clearing”?
You and your home must be feeling AMAZING by now! If you’re new to us, you might be interested in our year-long project (which you can begin at any time): Jan--Master Suite May--Kids Stuff September--The Basement Feb--Kitchen June - The Garage October - Crafts & Creative Spaces Mar--Family Room July - Office November - Photos and Mementos Apr--Linen Closet Aug--Entry/Mudroom I know some of you have started decorating for the holidays (Hi, Ann! :) AND, I know that many of you have WAY more decorations than you really want to keep--we have recently gone through this “holiday decorations” category with 3 other clients…(it’s definitely “a thing”--you are not alone!) I get it, it’s easier to reach for the newer, fresher, more appealing things and keep the more tattered, less exciting items at the bottom of the bin. And then, well, they’re sentimental, hard to let go of, so the pile grows and grows and grows… Set yourself up for success: Block off some no-phone time (Ahem...recent statistics report that we check our phone 85 times a day!) Gather boxes, newspaper for wrapping delicates and let’s do this! I’m with you in spirit and honestly, if you get stuck and email us, Kelly or I would be happy to talk you through the tough spots… Get them ALL out--the decorations, remember(?)--I told you I’m here for you! Before you begin: Sink into your life TODAY and how you CURRENTLY celebrate--including how you want to be spending your energy at this time of the year. What to keep? Save the most beautiful, precious items that burst your heart with joy and GIVE the others to someone else in the community who has none. Broken, crumpled, moldy or sad items can go right away--yes, they can. Then think about quantity. Do you need 20 strands of lights or will 10 strands be just as beautiful? It seems like forever since I wrote to you--it was a big week with ALL the family here to celebrate. Our ONE chance for everyone to get together! The Christmas jammy picture was a bit of a moving target but I managed to get this pic of the two grandbabies in (brief) snuggle mode… I’m SO grateful for all of the good stuff in my life--including YOU (!) because without you, who would I write to?
This week I’m sharing 3 products that we use all of the time to organize our client’s spaces. Remember, shopping for products is #6 on the Clutter clearing checklist-- I know, it’s tempting to want to “Get Organized!” and then go out to purchase items that you think will actually do the work for you :) I hate to break it to you, but you’re going to have to do some editing/sorting/tossing/freshening/deciding/recycling BEFORE you get to this step… |
Jane Antonovich