I saw a YouTube video this week about a woman who let go of 75% of her belongings. She also decided to only shop from a very short list of “necessities” for one year, consciously choosing NOT to acquire anything else in that time period. She reported some amazing results:
As I was reading, I was nodding along because not only have I seen those same kinds of AMAZING results for our clients; we often ask clients that very question as we begin working together... “How much of this can go?” “What’s the percentage?” The answers range anywhere from 10-75% One recent Feng Shui design client, Lori, said “50%” immediately upon me asking...she didn’t even have to think. As we looked in her closets, pantry, on top of her desk and dining table, we could see that IF 50% was cleared out of the storage spaces then ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that was sitting out in her living space (if she is keeping it) would have a home. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That’s when we started dreaming about how good it could really be! If 50% of her stuff is gone and everything’s put away...then the next step was to put together a Feng Shui Design that would infuse her space with empowerment, abundance, connection, and health (Lori’s requests)... Look out world! I will be sending you pictures as soon as the Feng Shui design project is complete. Lori has a fire inside--she is going after her clutter ON HER OWN--not an easy task! She’s using the re-design and the BIG dreams for her future as incentive to clear it out. If you have a moment, send her some clutter-clearing-love--we can all be with her in spirit! And, now, what about you? Would it help you to come up with that number for yourself? Let’s just play with it…if 50% or 30% or 75% of your items could go, what would you be making space for? How would that change your life? What would you be excited to create for yourself and your family? Let me know. I would love to hear from you! And if you do feel inspired to reply, will you also tell me--what your biggest challenge is when it comes to decluttering? I would be SO GRATEFUL! Lots of Love, XOXO PS: To discuss your organizing or Feng Shui Design project, click HERE
#fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #clutter #clutterclearing #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #chi #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #spreadthelove #renovation
You know how when your cell phone breaks and you’re at the store in under an hour? Or, at least by the end of the day? A broken cell phone rises to the top of the priority list very, very quickly! It’s darn near an EMERGENCY because your CONNECTION is gone!!!! Do you have the same sense of urgency when it comes to musty boxes in your basement or your file cabinets jammed with unimportant papers? Probably not... Many, many, smart, with-it people are in this boat, too. They NEVER CONSIDER this important Feng Shui connection: Clutter and stagnant energy have a direct impact on your HEALTH and WELL-BEING. It blocks the path to your truest, wisest self. Clutter and chaos in your home is an often unidentified cause for all kinds of ailments. It is a hidden (or not so hidden), sneaky, drag on your energy--affecting you more than you realize. Are your emotions running the show, though? Every. Single. One. of our clutter/clearing clients reports this at some point in an initial conversation: “...I’m SO ashamed...feel really embarrassed that it got this way in the first place. Now, I feel so stuck, and the anxiety I feel about my __________(fill in the blank with your current stuck spot) is PARALYZING me!” The EGO feeds on this--making it larger than life, very often keeping us in this perplexing and frustrating situation. Remember, it’s just your emotions, thank them for reminding you that action needs to be taken. Then, take a deep breath, get yourself in gear, and begin! Somewhere! How about Aches and Pains, OR, Strrrrrrrrrreeeeeesssssssss? The correlation between stress (and the physical ailments it produces) and clutter has been documented by the Princeton Review and countless other studies. Here are JUST A FEW of the physical manifestations that I have noted from clients living in a space filled with clutter and chaos: headaches, backaches, neck aches, stomach aches, extra weight, low energy, insomnia and STRESS--which is responsible for MORE than 90% of ALL diseases. WOW! Doesn’t it BLOW YOUR MIND that handling the stuck energy in your living space can “cure” what ails you? But, I have seen this with my own eyes, over and over again. When you think about it, our homes are an extension of our lives; we are the glorious creatures who purchased and put (or forgot about) all of the STUFF! And, now we’re lifting the curtain to see the “fix” for what’s keeping us playing small and from living the life we TRULY desire! Time for Transformation The good news is if you make this connection between the sluggish energy in your space and how you feel--emotionally and physically--clearing your clutter will rise closer to the top of your priority list. BECAUSE, WHO DOESN’T WANT TO FEEL BETTER? One powerful way to get started
If working with us to get you started or keep you going sounds like a good idea--I would love to hear from you. Please contact us and we will get back to you soon! Lots of Love, XOXO PS: To discuss your organizing or Feng Shui Design project, click HERE
#chi #clutterclearing #decluttering #organizing #fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #clutter #clutterclearing #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #renovation I realized that we’re always talking about “CHI”...and that you may or may not know what it is and how it works… Soooooo, What is Chi??? Chi is the mysterious stuff that makes the world go ‘round, (aka: prana, energy, life force, spirit, pizzazz, vitality, power)--it’s in every single thing: in you, and me...in the birds, rocks, air and your morning latte… Scientists confirm that even the most dense object has life force in it--meaning EVERYTHING is created from these moving molecules. Amazing, huh????? It is hard to put into words something so vast and unknowable and doing so tends to limit and squash the greatness of it. Chi is a mystery beyond mysteries--a secret probably impossible for any of us to fully understand. But, Here’s The Fun Part: At least we can get close enough to watch how it behaves--this is where it gets interesting! And, this is how we can build our Feng Shui muscle and use this energetic tool to our benefit... We can most easily access our own personal energy (or chi) by tuning in to our own feelings, sensations and intuitions. We can also watch the cause and effect relationship we have with our environments… Try This: Imagine putting your 300,000 items (statistics say we all own an average of 300,000 items) IN YOUR LIVING ROOM--including the car. How does that make you feel? Anyone feeling tightness, contraction, anxiety???? Isn’t it amazing what happens just by visualizing this scenario???? You most likely felt the emotional and/or physical differences in your body…so let’s use this to our advantage and cause the chi to flow OPTIMALLY through our homes. Watch what happens when you make (real) changes in your environment--deleting clutter or adding beauty. Feel the difference in your emotions and in your body. This week, start small and practice watching the chi and how it impacts you and then… USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!!!!!! Arrange things in such a way that your emotions and body respond favorably--keep noticing and tweaking and practicing and (of course) HAVING FUN with it… And then, let me know :) What do you notice--I would love to hear from you! Lots of Love, XOXO ***CHI painting by Guy Maurel #chi #fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #clutter #clutterclearing #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #renovation Can you feel summer winding down just the teensiest little bit? This is a good time for taking stock of all the goodness in our lives--a time for itemizing our blessings and recounting our joys. If your blessings include the OPPORTUNITY to clear your clutter and take stock of each and every item in your home--Fall (coming sooooon) is the perfect time to begin. And, whether you’re just beginning, in the middle of clearing your clutter and getting organized or if you’re finished (are we ever really finished?). Consider this--when the clutter and chaos are gone, what will you invite in? Imagine NOW that you have space, less stress, more time... What are your dreams? What will bring you peace and joy?
It’s an amazing way to take care of yourself, even if it may seem daunting. This isn’t just about clearing space in your home for the fun of it… It’s about letting go of the STUFF that is holding you back--keeping you from creating the beautiful life you imagine. IF you have a closet that resembles this...maybe we ought to talk :) Please reach out, Kelly and I would love to support you on your journey! Consider it a Big, Beautiful Feng Shui Gift to yourself! Lots of Love, XO #fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #clutter #clutterclearing #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #chi #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #spreadthelove #renovation Here is the last in the series of the most basic Feng Shui Tools--Balance of the Elements--it’s SUCH an important key in creating a beautiful feeling space-- There are 5 Elements in Feng Shui:
You can instantly feel when the elements are in harmony or when one or more of them have gotten out of balance. Today let’s focus on the element of Water: The WATER Element is represented by:
This Master Bedroom has a beautiful shade of teal blue on the walls and in the mural but it also includes the balance of other elements through the bedding, lamps, additional colors, and wood furniture. When the Element of WATER is balanced you feel--
Notice the element of water--does it feel like you have too much, too little, or does it have the Goldilocks “juuuuuuuust right” feeling? There are always “corrections” that can be made in a space to balance the elements--when I work with clients to harmonize, balance and upgrade a space, I am always aware of these foundational principles and use very specific design “remedies” in the form of paint color, fabric choices, furniture, space planning, flooring, and art to correct or cure the energy of a space that has gotten out of balance. And, if you would like to have a conversation about working together, please reach out and I will be in touch right away--we work virtually, so no reason to wait! Lots of Love (and Virtual Hugs and Kisses), XOXO #fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #clutter #clutterclearing #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #chi #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #spreadthelove #renovation In the middle of our AWESOME day of choosing tile, cupboards, granite and plumbing fixtures for her gorgeous new bathroom, a client asked me this outstanding question… Q: “How do you see the Feng Shui work you do impacting the world on a broader, more expansive level? Because even though we’re having a BIG FUN DAY choosing items for the bathroom, I know this work goes deeper than faucets and colors and grout…” A: That is a GREAT question and one that impacts the work I do with every client... MY MISSION: To Raise the Vibration of the Planet by enhancing the energy of the environments in which my clients live and work. There are layers to this work... 1--When your home or office has had a Full Feng Shui Design Enhancement and it’s humming at an optimal vibration--then you’ve got maximum support from your environment FOR YOUR LIFE!!! You feel better, you have extra energy and more space to invite in opportunities and gifts that will lift you up. AMAZING things happen when your home becomes aligned with your greater self! 2--Then...your fully supported self feels SO FANTASTIC that you carry those good feelings out into the world, impacting family, friends, coworkers and strangers all day long. The good vibes ripple out beautifully filling others with love and good feelings, too. The better you feel, the more you can share the love with others and the more love and peace and goodwill in this world, the better. 3--Now...you feel so dynamic and empowered that not only are you a shining, brilliant beacon to others--you have space and energy to deliver your gifts and talents to the world--the cure, the art, the vision, the revelation, the invention, the innovation, the gadget, the gizmo, the discovery, the change, the shift, the theories--the (whatever it is!) that can only come from you. Shifts big and small add up to a world where things are BETTER--WAY BETTER! And--The Better It Gets, The Better it Gets! So, this is not just about making the house look pretty--it goes WAY deeper than that… This is about changing the planet! Spreading love, Spreading light, and Creating a Better World. Are you in? Please reach out if you would like to talk about how Feng Shui Design can support your life AND the planet. I would love to talk with you personally. Lots of Love, XOXO #fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #clutter #clutterclearing #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #chi #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #spreadthelove #renovation In Feng Shui, one of the biggest tools you have at your disposal is to let go of clutter--items you no longer need or love. This creates space for all of the new fresh energy to enter your home or office. Sometimes, though, once the decluttering happens, you may feel depleted, especially if you’ve really done a thorough job! So, if this is you, and AFTER a good clear-out session you feel sad, blah, or tired, that means you've kicked up some stagnant energy...old boxes, books, clothes, furniture, papers, etc. hold old, stuck energy. This release can wreak havoc on you physically and emotionally and is perfectly NORMAL. So, take a break from the space, get some fresh air, drink lots of water, and then give some of these a try: 8 EASY Tips to Energetically Clear Your Space 1. CLEAN! Mop, sweep, scrub EVERYTHING! The walls, floors, ceiling, furniture, closets, windows, EVERYTHING! 2. Open the windows/door and run a fan out the windows (blowing away the stagnant energy) 3. Light a candle, Put in fresh light bulbs and leave ON the lights for a bit 4. Put a high quality crystal salt in open containers around the space to absorb the energy. 5. Diffuse essential oils such as Citrus or Cloves 6. Party! Turn on some music, bring in the pots, pans, bells, singing bowls and make some noise--even clapping your hands all around can give your space a huge energetic boost!!!! 7. Arrange to have the decluttered items that are leaving the space taken away and off the premises as soon as possible. 8. Set the intention that the space will go forward filled with light and love. Please let me know how this goes for you and if you get stuck, we’re here for you! Just reach out - we will be happy to connect. Lots of Love, XOXO #fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #clutter #clutterclearing #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #chi #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #mainbedroom #renovation Hello! Happy Summer--I hope your summer is turning out to be just as amazing as you are! Thanks for reading my weekly news, without you, who would I write to? As you know, an important Feng Shui concept is balancing the 5 Elements:
You can instantly feel when the elements are in harmony or when one or more of them have gotten out of balance. This week let’s focus on the element of FIRE: The Fire Element is represented by:
You will feel--
So, now it’s YOUR turn, check out your home or office, how do the rooms feel? Do you have a balance of fire elements in your space AND how does that make you feel? There are always “corrections” that can be made in a space to balance the elements--when I work with clients to harmonize, balance and upgrade a space, I am always aware of these foundational principles and use very specific design “remedies” in the form of paint color, fabric choices, furniture, space planning, flooring, and art to correct or cure the energy of a space that has gotten out of balance. I will be highlighting the water element in an August post, so keep an eye out :) And, if you would like to have a conversation about working together, contact me and we will be in touch SOON! Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: @MarkSchepker_Creative
#fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #fireenergy #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #chi #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #mainbedroom #renovation Do you remember that beautiful bedroom from last week? The ensuite bathroom turned out to be just as (if not MORE) stunning of a transformation! I hope you enjoy ❤️ BEFORE: AFTER: Feng Shui Design Upgrades: ~The window was changed to allow for better airflow--the panels now open out instead of in and the beautiful shade gives options for allowing in the light and view. ~A sleek modern tub replaced the old built-in model ~A custom steam shower replaced an old standard insert ~Beautiful marble tile enhances the floor and shower walls--the old, dark “mountain pattern” design was replaced ~A gorgeous light hangs over the tub ~A stunning piece of art gives our clients something to gaze upon while using the space ~The orange tone paint color balances, with its little bit of fire, all of the metal energy in this space. So, now it’s your turn, take a fresh Feng Shui look at YOUR bathroom--are there any tweaks, large or small, that could give your space a boost? Remember clearing out clutter is a GREAT place to start! Reach out if you would like to chat about upgrading your bathroom, or any space in your home--I would love to hear from you :) Lots of Love, XOXO #fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #bathroomdesign #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #chi #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #mainbathroom #renovation A Feng Shui transformation STARTS with the space but then the space affects YOU! And that’s where the excitement is--that’s where the FUN is!!!! Our clients wanted a bedroom upgrade--they had just added new chandeliers over the nightstands but could feel that there was even more potential in this space…the chandeliers are gorgeous and they remained but, as you can see, everything else changed and so did their lives… BEFORE: AFTER: Feng Shui Upgrades: ~A burnt orange curved and soft velvet headboard replaces the dark one ~The footboard--which is a BLOCK to getting thrown over the edge of the bed in a passionate moment❣️--was eliminated (Remember, save the bedroom for sleep and intimacy--(bu-bye TV) ~Simple, soft bedding ~A beautiful soft color painted on all of the walls ~New silvery, lighter furniture replaces the dark pieces ~Simple floral arrangements ~A beautiful photo of the couple’s wedding reminds them every night of their connection ~Beautiful wood flooring and a soft area rug replaces the wall to wall carpeting Now this bedroom feels more balanced, lighter, sweeter, softer, sexier and over the years (we’ve expanded the energy of the whole house through Feng Shui Design) the upgrades that they’ve seen for their lives have included--launching their boys successfully out into the world, BOTH of them landing bigger and better careers, vibrant health and a sweet loving relationship with each other. One of them said to me a few weeks ago, “I don’t know how you’re doing it, but the results are magical!” So, now it’s your turn, take a fresh Feng Shui look at YOUR bedroom--are there any tweaks, large or small, that could give your space a boost? Remember clearing out clutter is a GREAT place to start! Reach out if you would like to chat about upgrading your bedroom, or any space in your home--I would love to hear from you :) Lots of Love, XOXO #fengshuidesign #homedesign #hichi #fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #interiordesign #design #energy #bedroomdesign #madisonwi #madison #desmoines #westdesmoines #boulder #chi #energywork #remodel #energyupgrade #virtualdesign #minimakeover #energybalance #elements #condodesign #kohlerwi #mainbedroom #renovation |
Jane Antonovich