- a virtual event originally recorded on 6/30/20 Color is the “ONE THING” that has the capacity to raise the Chi (energy) in a space -- even if nothing else changes.
Here’s what we’re going to cover:
Why using PAINT and COLOR is the easiest and most powerful energetic shift you can make
The most COMMON BLOCKS that prevent people from working with Color
Why almost everyone picks the WRONG colors for their homes (without ever knowing it)
How to take the first steps in discovering the RIGHT colors for your space
Click below to watch the video:
The Power of Decluttering
- a virtual event originally recorded for the American Family Dreambank 4/1/20 If you ever feel STUCK with too much clutter, learn how to LET GO of those items that are holding you back! Imagine the FREEDOM!!!
I share some tried and true ‘tricks-of-the-trade’ for
STARTINGa decluttering project
DECIDINGwhat to let go of
MOTIVATIONto continue through your entire space
Talking you through my tried and true blueprint for how to handle ANY space that feels jammed, crammed, stuck or chaotic--from Junk Drawer to Basement!