We had a Colorado Escape last week! Bob, lovely husband, and I went to Boulder to visit daughter, Morgan and her hubby, Craig, in their natural habitat--The Flatiron Mountains!!!! We hiked everyday, the trail to Royal Arch, with sweeping views from the top, was my favorite. So warm and sunny up there--we definitely got our dose of “nature vitamins”! So, this week, back to business--feeling rejuvenated and ready for anything… I am highlighting a Veterinary Clinic this month--I have been working on a few commercial spaces recently, an attorney's office, the Galaxie Luxury Apartments Office and Model, Kelly’s Coffee in Richland Center and the entire Companion Animal Care Clinic in Fond Du Lac, WI. This week, I thought you might enjoy the before and after shots of this thriving business... A married couple, Hadley and Joel, both veterinarians, purchased the clinic in late 2014. They were full of energy and drive and could see the potential in their investment. The clinic had been in operation for 12 years, with a single, ready-to-retire, veterinarian at the helm. The business was holding steady but not growing. And the details of the business were in a bit of a tangle, chaotic and disorganized, at best. We applied Feng Shui Principles to the entire clinic: The Entry, 4 Patient-Care rooms, Techs’ office, Break room, Dog Day Care area, Doctor’s private office and Reception area. Today, I’ll highlight the Reception area (because that’s where all of the energy flows in--through the front door) and the Doctor’s private office. The rest of the pictures will be available on my website portfolio tab--coming soon! BEFORE: Reception Area-- In the BEFORE shot of the reception area you can actually “see” the chaos the business was experiencing… DARK purple walls with peach accents, purple formica countertops (to match), dusty storage shelving scattered all over and an overall oppressive and cluttered feeling: AFTER-- We painted a sunny yellow (even the ceilings) for health and light. We decluttered the counter and the white shelving unit and added the spiky greenery (5, the number for health) to fill the “chi trap” on top of the shelves. Nothing else changed--the lighting is all the same. AMAZING results from attending to Color and Clutter! ~~~~~ BEFORE: The Doctor’s Office-- Everything in the doctor’s office was stagnant, old and in desperate need of an energy boost! The walls were a dirty blue and the couch doubled as a dog bed (?) Well, we’re not exactly sure about that, but there was A LOT of dog hair and stains all over the huge ratty sectional. The tree was dying and the desk was a mess. This office says… “I don’t really care that much.” And that translates to EVERYTHING! How staff are treated, how meetings are conducted and most importantly, how the clients and their pets are cared for in daily practice. AFTER-- Everything had to go--only the white file cabinets and shelving remained. We chose back-to-back desks for both doctors to collaborate and work and lined them up with the only window in the room. Clean, new blinds and refreshing paint lifts the energy in this office sky-high…. On the other side of the room, a table for meetings with staff, drug reps, or interviews--doubles as a place to spread out a bigger project or eat lunch. A small settee to sit and read a journal or relax for a moment. A mirror doubles the window and bounces light around. Colorful art brightens the room. The space is clean and it’s purposes are clearly defined. This office says, “We care. About Everything.” The Bottom Line-- This practice has grown by a whopping 16% in the 2 years since Hadley and Joel purchased it. Their schedule is bursting at the seams and it’s almost time to hire a third Veterinarian. Business is booming and, yes, these two have worked incessantly to create a top-notch, state-of-the-art practice. They are motivated, sincere, and full of integrity for the work they do. And, the environment we created together supports the fantastic work that happens at the clinic every single day. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead--please let me know if you have any questions or comments about the post (or your own space), I would love to continue the conversation. Lots of Love, XOXO SUCCESS STORY: ![]() “Jane had a clear vision for the entire clinic. She helped us prioritize our efforts for maximum WOW! We did all the work on the weekends and our staff and clients were SHOCKED and AMAZED and the results. Adjusting the colors and furniture and decluttering makes it feel SO GOOD to come to work every day!” ~Hadley DeJaynes, DVM PHOTO CREDIT: Janice Laufenberg-- “After” pictures
We were in Des Moines this weekend--pic below of my two favorite Valentines: lovely husband, Bob with cutie-pie grandson, Jude. So fun to spend time together + #drivinglessons. Recently, I’ve had several conversations with clients and potential clients about the topic of LOVE! ROMANCE! PASSION! So, in honor of Valentine’s week (I’m good with making it a whole week...you, too?), let’s enhance your love life! Here are 6 tips for raising the vibration of your home SPECIFICALLY tuning to love and romance... Set the Stage: Get very clear, journal or visualize on a regular basis, exactly what you are wanting. How will you feel when your relationship improves or when your new lover arrives? Sink into these feelings OFTEN and find ways to enjoy how it feels NOW. Very important first step--do not skip! Clear the Clutter: If you have clutter anywhere, but specifically in the relationship area of your home (below) clear it out. If you have love letters, pictures, photo albums or wedding invitations/cards from past relationships, they must go. Holding on to old lovers (in any form) is not vibrationally a match to calling in a new or enhanced relationship! Relationship Area: Use the Bagua (above) to determine the relationship area of your home. Pay attention to what resides in this area of your home. Let go of anything that feels old, broken, or long past its expiration date! Enhance this space with items in pairs, and colors of soft pinks, purples, or reds for passion. Consider soft and silky fabrics in this area, curvy lines and space for new love to grow. Bedroom Energy: Take a fresh look at your bedroom. Make sure that nothing there interferes with resting, relaxation or intimacy. NOTHING--No TV, tools and hardware, drum sets, football gear, etc. Create a room that feels more like a sanctuary and less like a storage locker--a place where you and your sweetie can retreat and reconnect. Pay attention to lighting, color, fabrics and mood. For specific ideas, check out: “8 tips for Feng Shui (Master Bedroom) Magic” Art: Feel into the messages that the art in your home is representing...take a deep breath (pretend you're an alien) and take an art walk through your own home. What do you see? Art that is: Sexy? Soft? Sweet? Sultry? As they say, ”A picture’s worth a thousand words…” Your art is ALWAYS sending you messages. If it’s faded, depressing, tiny, or just plain old and stagnant, it’s time to freshen up! Here are some of my favorites for relationship: Love Yourself: Remember a new relationship or lover will not “fix” an empty space within you. A strong connection with your own beautiful self is the best way to call in another healthy, happy soul. Take a look at Tiny Buddha’s Guide to Loving Yourself for ways to see yourself as gorgeously beautiful and start your own personal torrid love affair! Or just dance around to Bruno Mars :) Happy Valentine’s Week! If you enjoyed today’s post, please share with someone you love.
As always, we would love to support you on your own magical Feng Shui journey. Send us an email at: [email protected], and we will contact you right away. Lots of Love, XO How’s your week going? Last week, BOTH grandbabies came for a day--we were focused on reading the same story for all of 3 minutes--success for the one year olds! Just like a baby learning to walk (or sit for a story) if you’re considering a clear-out of your STUFF...give yourself permission to start VERY small, take one step at a time. Small consistent efforts will definitely get you moving forward! February Q & A: Becky emailed me this question: “How/Where is the best place to store craft supplies? I do some collage projects, some yarn work, some paper crafts. These projects are often created out of random stuff I am either given from friends/family or I find on clearance. I have a lot of stuff I’ve cut out of magazines that haven’t become part of my crafting yet. I also have a cat who likes to “help”. Any ideas you have would be great.” Hi Becky! I know this question is going to help A LOT of people in our e-community. The principles apply to any artistic space: art or craft spaces, workshops, music studios--any space you use to create, play, de-stress and get your gifts out to the world! Your space may be the corner of a porch (Laurie!), one side of your living room, the garage, or a whole room dedicated to producing your fabulous creations. #1 Go through everything and discard or donate that which DOES NOT feel relevant any longer. If you’re a creative person, you probably also grow and change at a very rapid pace, so that which sang a joyful song to you two years ago, may be just taking up space today. IT’S OK!!!!!! Let it go, so that you can continue to grow. Someone will love it. When your space starts to feel stuffed and stuck--You Will, Too!!!!! Make a date with yourself every month, or every quarter, at least every year (!) to clear out so that your breathtaking creations can come forward. (Becky, it’s not clear to me, if you have a room, or dedicated space for your craft supplies...but, if not, and supplies are all over the house, start this process by claiming a space, a shelf, a room, or a corner. It will feel better than having to search for your things every time you get the spark to create!) #2 Put “like” things together. Pull out one category at a time: yarn, magazine pictures, brushes, paints. After you EDIT and let go of those items that are no longer useful, decide what type of containers would work most efficiently. There are SO MANY to choose from and they can be found at all price points. I think it’s more beautiful if containers are the same, however, sometimes we just use what we have and go with function over beauty! (Becky, if the cats can’t keep their paws off of your materials, you may need containers with tops! Typically, with creative spaces, we suggest NO TOPS on containers--unless they need to be stacked--so that the materials are more accessible, thus eliminating the on/off step of the tops. Also, “random stuff” usually has categories, set it all out and see what you see...you may sort your odds and ends by color, size, or general categories like beads, ribbons, stickers, stamps. Labeling containers will help IMMENSELY when you go searching for the perfect addition to your collages!) #3 Everyone and every situation is unique...Here are a few of the containers we have used with clients to organize art/creative spaces… For yarn, consider an organizer that hangs in a closet...easy to see the colors and different types of yarn you have--no more digging OR forgetting what’s on the bottom. And close the door so the cat can’t get in :) A compartment box is AWESOME for little items that tend to get forgotten--it’s also easy to customize this type of box by moving the dividers to suit your needs. I could see using a set of these for different colored collage materials, beads, buttons, stickers, stampers, small ribbons or hardware items. Even if you wouldn’t purchase this gorgeous, functional storage piece, you can study it and use the ideas to create your own fancy creative space. #4 Beautify your space by painting the walls a high energy color, like orange! Hang mirrors to double the windows and bounce the light around. Choose lighting that makes it easy for you to see your masterpiece. #5 Have Fun! Thanks, Becky, for sending in your question--I hope this gives you some new ideas. Please let me know how it goes for you! Lots of Love, XO PS: If you want assistance, we are here for you and would love to help. Just reply to this email and we’ll get right back to you!
PSS: Send in YOUR burning questions--Organization, Decluttering, Feng Shui, or Design, I’d love to consider them for the coming months. SHOUT-OUTS: I saw Leda and Luke at the grocery store, Janet and Tom got the curtains up (cozy!), Cindy and I discussed porch railings, K bravely took in a whole houseful of Feng Shui ideas--WOW! MC’s fuschia velvet chair arrived, Barry got everything together for his tax appointment, and Kelly and I picked out RED for the couch--WHEW! A very exciting week for all of us! A Big Welcome to those of you joining us for the first time--you are the brave and bold souls who ventured out into the snowstorm last week to join us for the DreamBank presentation! We’re so happy you’re here! To catch you up...the first week of each month in 2017, we’re focusing on the why and the how of clearing out ONE space in your home. Focus on one area at a time; by the end of the year, your whole house will sparkle! Last month we focused on your Master Bedroom. This month, the Kitchen! The Kitchen is the heart of the home where we prepare food, nourish and connect with family, and gather for meals. Clearing out the kitchen often has incredible ripple effects for the rest of your home and your life. Take a few moments and for a virtual (or REAL) tour through your kitchen...peek in all of the cupboards, drawers, the fridge and pantry. What the heck is in there? Yep, WAY in the back? Is any of it past it’s prime? And, most importantly of all, how does it FEEL? What does it do to your soul? If it’s just fine, thank you very much, Jane...then go put your feet up, grab a cup of tea and read a book! But, if there is an opportunity to let go and lighten up, create space for yourself, then let’s go! Remember: set yourself up for success: have bags, boxes ready to go, put the “I’m busy” auto-responder on and then get started. Your Plan for the Kitchen: Week #1: Pantry (or any cupboards where the non-perishable food is kept) Check for expiration dates, toss the outdated items, donate anything that is still “good” but you will never use to a food drive. Be ruthless, someone else is HUNGRY for what you have in your cupboard, give with love and know that another person will be fed from your cast-offs. Week #2: Refrigerator (same principles apply) check for exp. dates, especially condiments, clear and clean, put like things together and--ta-da(!) have a cup of tea! Woops--check the freezer, too :) Week #3: Upper cabinets--Usually the glassware, plates, spices, live in the upper cabinets. This is your chance to take inventory. Do you have enough? Too many? Mismatched items that you never use? Deep breaths--you’ve got this!!!! Week #4: Lower Cabinets--usually pans, bowls, small appliances, bulkier items, cleaning supplies, bagzzzzzzz (plastic bag collection, pushed to the deep, dark corners). Including the drawers, silverware and the junk drawer too! If you have misplaced your clutter clearing checklist in the Design Essentials Kit…let us know, we’ll email you a fresh copy :) Here are the highlights:
I would love to hear your success stories, your challenges, and any questions you have while you clear and edit your kitchen. Please reply to this email and we will get back to you! Lots of Love, XO PHOTO CREDIT: Renee Nelson!
Jane Antonovich