Hello Beautiful! I just wanted to pop in to tell you how much I appreciate you-- Thank you VERY MUCH for being part of our Feng Shui community--replying to emails (I LOVE hearing from you), following along on Instagram, playing the “Find The Feng Shui House” game :) and becoming more and more aware of how powerfully your home supports and serves you every day.
Take a minute and jot down a gratitude list for your home... Here’s my quick two minute list:
What’s on your list and when’s the last time you thanked your hardworking home? Currently, at Jane Antonovich Designs, we are waist-deep in SEVERAL big Feng Shui upgrades with clients who are ready for MORE (love, money, peace, abundance, health, confidence, connection)--Maybe that will be you, too, this coming year… We are ready to support you if/when it’s time for an energy boost for your life (and your home)! Love and Gobble Gobble--don’t you have some leftover turkey waiting? XOXO
Hello Beautiful! We’ve had an exciting week, hanging pictures in a home office that’s almost finished: Playing with layout on the floor without making holes in the new paint! Mark looks so happy AND it was his birthday--see the cake on the desk? Can’t wait to show you this home when it’s ALL DONE--Turquoise Otomi Wallpaper in the Powder Room-- that’s all I’m saying :) Today’s topic--EARTH ENERGY There are 5 Elements in Feng Shui:
When they are all in balance, it feels wonderful, the vibes are GOOD and you never want to leave the space. You can instantly feel when the elements are in harmony or when one or more of them have gotten out of balance. Today let’s focus on the element of EARTH: The Earth Element is represented by:
Example of Too Much Earth in a space:
The bedroom above represents a trendy, slightly mussy look, comfy-looking, perhaps--but… Too Much Earth Energy can leave you feeling:
When Earth is in balance (as in this bedroom): You will feel the energy of:
The EARTH ELEMENT is also necessary to maintain your sense of:
Notice the element of earth in your space--do you have too much, too little, or does it feel just right? There are always “corrections” that can be made in a space to balance the elements--when I work with clients to harmonize, balance and upgrade a space, I am always aware of these foundational principles and use very specific design “remedies” in the form of paint color, fabric choices, furniture, space planning, flooring, and art to correct or cure the energy of a space that has gotten out of balance. I will be highlighting the other elements in future posts, so keep an eye out :) And, if you would like to talk about working together, just send me an email and I will be in touch as soon as possible. Lots of Love, XOXO Hello Beautiful! Hope you’re having a good week--here’s a quick video so you can see how the OUTSIDE of this amazing home turned out: If you are more of a “reader” than a “watcher”, the full article is below--WOWZA! Sandy and Nancy (you can click links to other articles about them below) own this DARLING home. As soon as the inside was “done”, we started discussing upgrades to the outside because the interior was not a match to the exterior, to say the least! This house is on a busy street in Madison, WI, but was definitely NOT receiving its maximum # of “Chi Hits” in it’s BEFORE state: ********************* What’s a Chi Hit? Whenever anyone is compelled to look at your home, as they go by, they are DEPOSITING CHI (or energy) into your account. Just like a bank, the more the better!!! ********************* Challenges BEFORE:
Feng Shui Enhancements AFTER:
****************************** Let’s Play!!!! If you spot this house in Madison, give it a wave (more chi for the owners) and email me with the address, I will send you a little gift :) ****************************** This home is GORGEOUS on the inside, every INCH was touched and re-designed to give these clients the maximum energy boost they asked for--they really went for it and NOW the outside matches the High Chi Inside--wait until you see the addition of landscaping next summer! If you’d like to read all of the chapters of Sandy and Nancy’s entire story--check out these past blog posts: Feng Shui Bedroom/Bathroom--Before/After Living Room Love--Before/After The Peacock Bathroom Magical Feng Shui Flow--Dining/Kitchen Area Home Office Transformation Before/After Sandy’s Office Transformation And, if you’re ready for your very own Feng Shui Adventure, email me and let’s talk! Lots of Love, XOXO PS: If you’re on Instagram, look me up, @jantonovich, we are having a LOT of fun over there--daily-ish posts that I don’t share anywhere else. PHOTO CREDIT: Nancy Noet Hello Beautiful! Did you dress up for Halloween? I wore this Cowgirl hat (and cowgirl boots) while I wrote today--kinda fun--and about as far I get in the “costume” department :) I do have an inner cowgirl, though--I rode A LOT as a kid (my friend’s Grandpa had a farm in Virginia and we rode almost every day/all day each summer growing up). I loved it--such awesome memories! Today I want to share an INCREDIBLE transformation… Here’s Sandy Eichel… I worked with Sandy and her wife on their entire home (they are a couple of go-getters!) and last winter she asked if I would advise her on a new high-rise office space. First, we took a tour of a few office space choices--if you have a choice, it’s important to have a Feng Shui consultation BEFORE deciding--so many times we are correcting for spaces that are not stable or have weird energy when simply choosing another space could’ve gotten you a better start in the first place. BEFORE: This was the space we chose: Looks promising, doesn’t it? There’s soooooo much potential--AND, to make it even more challenging, this is a corporation with RULES about Not Painting or Wallpapering:) Oh, RLY? The goal was to create a high vibing workspace that included: ~A desk area for Sandy--She’s a Wealth Management Advisor at Northwestern Mutual and, in addition, an International Speaker and Diversity and Inclusion Consultant. ~A space to meet with clients ~Curated photos and awards for inspiration ~ A space that feels energetically balanced ~A big dose of fun--’cuz, Sandy’s FUN! AFTER: The beautiful orange wall is NOT wallpaper (in case anyone from Northwestern Mutual wants to know…) This bold patterned fabric provides a backdrop to the entire office--Sandy (this woman’s got skillzzzzzzz) sewed, stretched and velcroed it right to the wall. Her photos and awards are on display and a fun cardboard wall trophy overlooks the whole scene! We replaced the industrial office light with this dazzling light with red cords. We also added a round table to have collaborative conversations with clients--hung her Madison art, and added some finishing touches... And here’s the best part...Sandy is attracting “Dream Clients”!!! AND, Her Speaking Career (her biggest request) has TAKEN OFF!!!! She posted this in March: And then posted about her interview published in Forbes Magazine in May: And she posted this yesterday--off to Paris next month(!): I am so excited for her--and honored to have been able to support her rise to fame by working with the energy of her office spaces--both at home and in the high-rise. If your space (and your life) could use a boost--please contact me--I would love to chat with you! Lots of Love, XOXO PHOTO CREDIT: Nancy Noet, Eric Ballies, Max Wendt
Jane Antonovich