![]() Closets and Style Go Hand-in-Hand! When I work with women in their closets, I am often asked if items are “in style” and, as we all know, style is a moving target! So, if you want to keep up with the latest scoop in a fun and fabulous way, check this interview out: I had an AMAZING interview with Style Coach, Megan LaRussa Chenoweth from Southern Femme. If you’re into fashion, you will not want to miss it! We had a blast talking about the work she does to empower women through their wardrobes AND she shares a couple of HOT SPRING STYLE TIPS that I know you’ll be excited about.
There’s CLUTTER and then there are the insidious cousins (not you, Dan or Karen) of clutter. These are the devious little monsters that pull your energy away from letting go of the chaos in your space...You’re moving forward, birds chirping, sun shining, getting rid of items in your space that do not spark your energy or speak to your future when out of nowhere you slow to a crawl by one of these (seemingly brilliant) ideas:
The green monster on your shoulder says something like this... >>>“BUY THE CONTAINERS FIRST!” So, you stop your beautiful progress, midstream, get in the car and go to the store to be seduced by the pretty bins and baskets. STOP!!!! Wait until your editing process is finished. You may not need as many as you think. In fact, you may not need any at all! Buying the bins and baskets before you finish making decisions is backwards and is just another kind of clutter. Basket Clutter---eeeeek! >>>“YOU SHOULD MAIL IT, DROP IT OFF AT A FRIEND’S, RETURN IT, CONSIGN IT, DONATE IT TO A RETIREMENT CENTER, CHILD CARE CENTER, OR LIBRARY.” This type of “to-do” list splits up your energy and sets you off running in a dozen different directions with your junk. Go back to your original desire to feel better and create space for your dreams. Then think about the time and energy it would take to go to the many, many, many places your brain is listing. Is it TRUE(?) that all that stuff has to go to all of those exact locations? Is it really true? It might actually be necessary to mail something, return it to the library, etc. But, over and over, I see clients fall into this trap of creating a nearly impossible task of running around “delivering” their junk to the whole world. In many cases it’s just not necessary. Books can go to the Goodwill, so can hardware items. One place is really not better than another. Really. Creating a long to-do list of this sort puts you smack dab in the middle of another kind of clutter: Running Around (or Back Seat) Clutter--Big energy drain! >>>“YOU ARE NOT BEING ECO-CONSCIOUS ENOUGH!” I’m as eco-conscious as the next person. And I always guide my clients to let go of items in the most eco-friendly way possible. I have sent media out to be recycled properly and taken toxic items to the approved municipal dumping site. Sometimes, though, people feel so worried and guilty that they’re damaging the environment that they can hardly throw anything away. I’ve met people who agonize over tossing photos (chemicals), rubber bands (Is it really rubber?) or receipts (also chemicals). Some people have entire rooms or sheds full of things that their local recycling center isn’t yet able to handle. It’s not politically correct to say, “Don’t you think you’re going a little overboard with this?” because caring for the environment is seen as such a socially acceptable and admirable practice. But when it’s taken this far, it’s concerning rather than commendable and can be a fire hazard if the piles of stuff get out of hand. Eco-Conscious Clutter--just do the best you can, better it be in the landfill than in your home! If any of these tricky clutter monsters try to derail you from your mission (You know, the one where you get your junk handled and feel energized when you’re done?)...remember your vision, picture the future you’ve created with space for a life you love! Contact me if you want support to clear out...I would LOVE to help! XOXO Jane This week I received a wonderful question from a client: She asked,
“Hey, Jane, Is it possible for someone to change their behavior and learn to become organized when they’re not?” Is there any hope?” ~Jenny I could sense her desire to feel better, right there in the question. It’s the only reason anyone calls me...they just want to feel better! And, YES!!!! I always believe it is possible to change and grow and stretch so that you can come out on the other side of your chaos feeling amazingly wonderful. Usually people who contact me are highly motivated. Sometimes they’re FRUSTRATED with the situation, EMBARRASSED with the condition of their space, PARALYZED about how to handle it or just plain STRESSED OUT. And...they want to feel better! Each space arises from the individual. Even though I follow a general template, every person and situation is very different. It’s nearly impossible to impose a rigid method of organizing on ANYONE! I believe it has to come from each person’s particular needs and style. Changing habits can be tricky. “It’s what you repeatedly do that ultimately forms the person you are and the life you live.” says author James Clear. Setting up systems that allow clients a new response is how a new habit can be created. Very specific, relevant systems and spaces can cue a change in behavior. Clear and simple changes are the most effective. Lifting the energy of any space by clearing the chaos, refreshing the surfaces, creating function AND adding beauty/sparkle will make it a lot easier to maintain a good flow. Your revived space will practically take care of itself! It often takes two or three rounds of editing to really get to the items that are the true keepers but the investment of the effort will definitely pay off. And then, all of a sudden, you will be walking around feeling lighter, more free and ready for anything! I’ve seen it happen many, many times! As always, contact me if you want support. I would LOVE to be part of your transformation! XOXO Jane Photo credit: Rubbermaid Products via Flickr creative Commons Laura Gilliam called and said she wanted to get her tax papers together. She had started her new MYCROCYCLE business in 2014, and wanted to double check that she had everything ready for the accountant. When I got to her house, she waved at the desk with a groan, and she might've said, “YUCK!” (We had last worked together March, 2014.) You see, while she was busy starting her business, being a single parent to two lively teens, managing two huge dogs, and enjoying her feisty boyfriend, Barry...her papers had gotten away from her! Huh, easy to see why. She’s got a lot going on! Here’s the list of what we did in the office:
As we worked, I asked her questions and offered suggestions to boost her productivity even further (Remember, save 15 minutes a day and gain 11+ work days /year!) Here are some of my productivity suggestions:
Then we moved on to what she called “the bokashi factory” in the basement. (I get to learn about so many cool things when I work with clients. If you’re into composting, but don’t have the space or weather conditions to make it happen outside, check this out...efficient, non-smelly and fun!) Here’s what we did in the basement:
Set for success.
This organizing magic was accomplished in just one afternoon. Laura was happy, relieved and ready for anything :) as I pulled out of the driveway. A wonderfully satisfying afternoon for both of us! If you could use some support to supercharge your productivity or just get you organized so you can find your keys, charger, money, tools and shoes in the morning...give me a call, I would LOVE to help! XOXOXO Love, Jane |
Jane Antonovich