Hello, Beautiful! How many minutes do you think you’ve spent (over your life) or Just This Week(!) looking for something that you need, but can’t remember where you put it? Keys? Charger? Bills? Important papers? Sunscreen? Gift Cards? Stamps? Gift you bought months ago for the birthday party happening tomorrow? A recent study found that over the course of our lifetimes, most people spend a total of 3680 hours—that’s almost 6 months OF YOUR LIFE—searching for misplaced items. And no wonder, some studies show the average household contains 300,000 things--and that’s A LOT, no matter how you do the math. Science now shows us that living with too much stuff actually affects your well-being Multiple studies have shown that being surrounded by clutter means you can never really relax. No matter where you look, your mind never has a moment to rest. Every increased possession adds increased STRESS. Maybe you would like to feel LESS Stressed and freer in your life--clearing out clutter can be an AMAZING way to do this… IF you are ready for a FUN and EASY and FREE way to get some support as you move through your stickiest spaces--kitchen, garage, office, basement, mementos, dining room, closets… Join us next week for our “GET-IT-DONE!” CLUTTER CLEARING CIRCLE Tuesday, May 24th at 5pmCT/6pmET Join our Zoom Meeting by clicking the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89499851047?pwd=55eYm1BcMBf_P-FiIhrNqR-7-B5CPD.1 Meeting ID: 894 9985 1047 Passcode: 540343 I hope you can make it!!!!! In this WORK SESSION, we will:
See you Tuesday, May 24th! Lots of Love, XOXO Photo credit: JGI/Jamie Grill (girl searching) and snopes.com (math problem)
Hello Beautiful! We got to see all four of these munchkins this past week--So Lucky!!!! (Old enough to write secret messages and handle ice cream cones--life is gooooooood!) Today, I want to focus JUST on your front door--in Feng Shui, this is the most important part of the bagua (the ancient treasure map to your dreams:) Your front door, otherwise known as “The Mouth of Chi”, is where everything flows in--your health, your money, your relationships, friends, spirituality, creativity and more! First let’s take a peek at your clutter--clutter at the front door, both inside and out, can seriously BLOCK all the goodness from flowing in--can you feel it in this image(?) --it’s hard to get past, around or through this closet, even with the door shut!!! IF you have a front closet situation like this, let’s clear it out so that there’s S-P-A-C-E and FLOW. Remember--leave 10% of the space OPEN for the good things to come. {I can see working with this particular closet in three parts--the top shelf, the hanging items and the things on the floor. IF you need a clutter-clearing checklist to support you as you clear out your own space, message me, I’ll send it to you!} Check the outside of your front door, as well--what is blocking the path to your door? Toys, pet items (especially doo doo cans), garbage, gardening tools and overgrown or dead shrubbery/plants are some possibilities Clear the path to your door so that the energy can find you without any trouble--remember EVERYTHING MATTERS! Just attending to the clutter will be a HUGE boost for you-- If you want to go further, though, consider ADDING Feng Shui enhancements: INSIDE: ~Place a mirror inside your front door where you can experience it as soon as you come in. In Feng Shui Mirrors = Water Energy and this improves the FLOW of things, all things, into your home-- ~Consider painting the walls of your entry a “Water” color (blues and blueish greens) or consider wallpaper with these features. ~Add something made from stone or metal (such as a metal console) to enhance the water energy--(rocks/metal “sweat” and create MORE water and more flow for you!) ~Put something BEAUTIFUL or FUN in your cleared-out closet :) Outside: ~Paint your Front Door an auspicious color--something that will be easily noticed from the street, especially if the entry to your home is recessed--as passer-bys glance in the direction of your home admiringly, you automatically get a deposit into your energy account! ~Upgrade the landscaping on the way to your front door and attend to it so there’s a feeling of bounty and beauty-- ~Place 2 matching pots to expand your front door energy--as big as you can find--with GORGEOUS flowers to draw the energy to you-- There! Feels better, doesn’t it? Let me know if you’re inspired to make any of these changes in your space--I always enjoy hearing from you :) Also, I would LOVE to assist you in making a beautiful entry to your home--send me a message if you’re interested in connecting! Lots of Love, XOXO Clutter pic credit: bloominghomestead.com Hello Beautiful! I was in Arizona a couple of weeks ago, amongst the cacti :) working with a couple of amazing clients who are getting ready to move to new locations this month--what a wonderfully successful week getting their homes ready for the transition--now they’re feeling SO MUCH lighter as they leap into their next adventures--good luck!!! (Me, trying to take a selfie that would also give you an idea of how GIGANTIC the cacti are!) Today, though, I want to share a Feng Shui Design upgrade--how we used a stunning mural to keep the energy IN a home. This home is GORGEOUS and brand-spanking new. Before I met this family, they had done nearly 85% of the design work and were very happy with how it had turned out. They called because the energy work of Feng Shui design resonated with them--they got CURIOUS to experience further enhancements for their new home and their lives! Today, I want to highlight just ONE of the spaces in their home that we concentrated on…the mural in the staircase. They live on a beautiful property with windows all across the back of the house--it would be so easy to “go outside” (for real, in nice weather--because, WHOA, their patio, pool and backyard are AMAZING--and energetically ALL the time) and skip over the beautiful house! Of course we want them to enjoy the outdoors, but for an energetic BALANCE, this was an opportunity to keep the energy IN the house--here’s what we did… In the center of the home is a staircase to the lower level--and that giant two-story wall faces you as you walk in the front door. (Before) It’s nothing to look at, right? And so, energetically, you travel right on past it to the back of the home, skipping over the kitchen, the beautiful fireplace and living room, too. We added this GORGEOUS agate mural and the fantastic company we work with, Murals Your Way, actually mirrored it vertically so that we got this beautiful result going all the way down the stairs: AFTER It was applied in one piece (if you can believe that!!!!) by our amazing craftsman, Russ. And the result is STUNNING! Now when you walk in the front door, you have this strong image drawing you into the house but KEEPING you there--of course, it’s much more amazing in person--I wish we could all take a field trip :)
This is just one example of how balancing the energy of a space can reap fabulous results--I hope you enjoyed this transformation! If you have renovation ideas of your own, feel like something’s a little “off” in your home or just want to hear more about how Feng Shui works :) feel free to email me here to set up a phone call--I would love to hear about what’s going on your YOUR home! Lots of Love, XOXO |
Jane Antonovich