Hello, Beautiful! These cuties came to visit last week---ooooooooo, we’re so lucky! Our trip to the petting farm is always a hit! Let’s talk about clutter… What’s it doing for you? Maybe you immediately feel LOW ENERGY, DEPRESSED, ANXIOUS, TIRED, get a headache, backache or stomachache when you see or even think about the extra stuff stacked up in your space. ALL the mental, physical and emotional energy spent on clutter--AND what to do about it--could just be set FREE to use in much more satisfying and fulfilling ways… {We are currently working with a client in their garage--they bravely let go of SO MUCH stuff--and they FINALLY pulled their car in after owning their home for 15 years!} So, if this is you--or you have a friend who needs this--join us for some support while you spend a WHOLE HOUR working on one of your stickiest projects--you won’t believe what you can accomplish in an hour! Maybe the life you want is buried under all your stuff! Where is your clutter? Kitchen, garage, office, basement, mementos, dining room, closets--Pick your project, join us next Tuesday and get it done! “GET-IT-DONE!” CLUTTER CLEARING CIRCLE WORK SESSION Tuesday, June 28th at 6:30pmCT/7:30pmET Join our Zoom Meeting by clicking the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86447086654?pwd=Bewlh7x2B01_De_4qcOPeF44Qd4hcc.1 Meeting ID: 864 4708 6654 Passcode: 731284 I hope you can make it!!!!! In this WORK SESSION, I will:
Lots of Love, XOXO Clutter photo credit: huffpost.com
Hello Beautiful! Hope you’re having a wonderful start to your summer☀️ These two cuties came to visit recently-- Hanging out with Morgan and Campbell at the State Park lookout--”You can see the whole world!” Campbell said :) They live far away so it was such a special time to spend it together ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Feng Shui Topic: TOO MUCH WOOD! So many people ask me about one of the most basic Feng Shui Tools--the balance of the elements--it’s SUCH an important key in creating a beautiful feeling space-- There are 5 Elements in Feng Shui:
When they are all in balance, it feels wonderful, the vibes are GOOD and you never want to leave the space. You can instantly feel when the elements are in harmony or when one or more of them have gotten out of balance. Today let’s focus on the element of WOOD: The WOOD Element is represented by:
Images of Too Much Wood in a space:
The above rooms may have won design awards, but from a Feng Shui perspective, they are out of balance and if you were to live in these spaces you might feel:
When Wood is in balance in your space (as in this client’s home): You feel--
From an elemental perspective: This family room magnetically attracts you--it’s the place where everyone wants to hang out. You can see the WOOD element in the art (trees), the wall color(green), ottoman color (green) and side tables (wood surfaces), --AND there are bits of FIRE in the red and pink colors, fireplace and the “Fox art”--(see below) --WATER in the color of the sofa --EARTH in the shape of the sofa, the beige color of the carpet, and the low hanging soffits. --METAL in the shape of the ottoman, the posts of the side tables and the floor lamps, the light color of the carpet. Here are shots of the rest of the space--can you feel the balance? How the energy moves in a circular fashion around the room? How does this room make you feel? A lot of the homes that we work on start out in this “too much wood” category, it’s very common! People like their wood!!!!
Check out your home or office, how does YOUR space feel? Do you have “too much wood” in your space? Now that you know, can you feel it? There are always “corrections” that can be made in a space to balance the elements--when I work with clients to harmonize, balance and upgrade a space, I am always aware of these foundational principles and use very specific design “remedies” in the form of paint color, art, fabric choices, furniture, space planning, flooring, and art to correct or cure the energy of a space that has gotten out of balance. I will be highlighting the other elements in future posts, so keep an eye out :) And, if you would like to have a conversation about working together, please contact me and I will be in touch with you :) Lots of Love, XOXO Hello Beautiful! I took a quick bounce-dive to see my friend, Greta (tapping coach extraordinaire), in South Carolina last weekend--lots of walking, talking, shopping, sunshine, laughs, hanging-out AND a dash of Feng Shui on Saturday morning--HAD TO move a few things around, hang a picture-- couldn’t help ourselves :) She lives in an apartment, or we probably would’ve started painting, too! Time for a Closet Upgrade? This is the time of year when a lot of us are swapping things around in our closets as the seasons shift. Even if you keep everything in one closet, you may be bringing forward items that are stored in the back during winter, putting sweaters up high or pulling out sandals so you can find them, again-- Use this opportunity to make decisions about your clothes! Do you LOVE them? Do you actually WEAR them? Remember, your closet is not a clothing museum--let go of items that you're keeping because they remind you of a special event in the past, that don’t fit you properly or that you don’t CHOOSE TO WEAR!!!!!
{PRO-TIP: Ever have that thing happen where you reach for something (repeatedly), think you’re going to wear it, try it on and then take it off immediately and hang it back up? THOSE ITEMS--they can go-- *wink-wink*} Statistics say that we wear only 20% of what we keep in our closets, is that true for you? I would love to know…if it is, then probably LOTS can go :) Ideally, we would like to keep at least 10% of your closet space OPEN for new and more wonderful opportunities to flow in. Let everything B-R-E-A-T-H-E! AFTER you go through your clothes, refresh the shelves, sweep the floor of your closet, and you can SEE what you have left, consider products that you might need to organize the keepers better and give yourself a closet upgrade! Here are a few of our favorites: ~Acrylic sweater dividers ~Acrylic, straight sided containers ~Honeycomb dividers or these for undies, socks ~Bamboo tension dividers for dresser drawers ~Baseball cap storage--so many requests for this one lately! ~Necklace storage ~Beautiful hangers or these ~Shoe Rack or a Boot & Shoe rack Or, maybe you can repurpose what you have and you don’t need to buy a thing--just delete the downers--that is Pure Magic and doesn’t require spending a penny. We would LOVE to hear from you if you decide to clear out your closet--even if you get stuck, reach out--maybe we can help--AND If you’re in need of A LOT of personal support with your closet, reach out to us--we’ve GOT YOU! We think closets are fun :) Lots of Love, XOXO |
Jane Antonovich