Hello Beautiful! As you may have noticed, there’s never a lack of COLOR in my Feng Shui Design work. But that wasn’t always the case. When I first discovered Feng Shui, I didn’t realize the blessing I was receiving: This was no ordinary Feng Shui Consultant I had hired! I had “accidentally” attracted a Feng Shui Master into my life who deeply and intuitively understood the energy within COLOR. She used paint colors to immediately, and dramatically shift the energy within my home. (And the results were just as immediate… and dramatic!) I was amazed, but also quite shocked at her color choices. (And I’ll admit: I was actually outright SCARED!) I had #allthefeelings -- about painting every single wall (and even ceilings!) these “unusual” colors. Colors that I NEVER would’ve picked for myself in a million years. And after painting my entire home these wildly-wonderful colors (plus years of eventual study with her) -- I’ve discovered how incredibly and profoundly POWERFUL color is for enhancing a space and the lives of all the people who live there. In fact, it’s downright VITAL in true, life-changing Feng Shui design. (Plus: It’s also the easiest, least-expensive way to make massive changes in your life…) Color is the “ONE THING” that has the capacity to raise the Chi (energy) in a space -- even if nothing else changes. Many people ask me about this dynamic Feng Shui tool – the art of coloring a space – and every time I meet with a new client, it’s one of the first things we talk about. So, for those of you who are curious to learn more about how to use color too, I’ve put together a FREE virtual event for you –– on Tuesday, June 30th at 12pm CT: THE FENG SHUI OF COLOR – 3 Secrets for using Color to Increase the Vibration of your Space (and your life) You can join us here
Here’s what we’re going to cover:
This Virtual event is totally FREE –– just sign up HERE, and I will send you all the login details. I do this work because I KNOW the power of Feng Shui--first hand. And I see profound and often “miraculous” effects with my private clients, too. Feng Shui is something transcendent, powerful, intuitive, soulful, and profoundly life-altering... And it has the power to change you. Forever. In ways that are beyond your imagination… and COLOR is the most wonderful place to start! If you’d like to join the event you can do that here. Lots of Love, XOXO
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Jane Antonovich