Do you run out and buy more boxes or bins when the existing ones get full? Do you imagine that new containers will somehow “fix” your overcrowded storage spaces? I want to let you in on a little secret...buying more storage containers is NOT going to fix your problem, or bring you more joy, even if the bins you find are the “latest” fancy ones from the local container store.
Slow down, enthusiastic organizer...I want to introduce you to the idea of a “LIMITER”. This is a strategy that works for lots of people so I thought it might work for you. It does involve you making decisions (of course) but it gives *some* of the power over to the container. "WHAAAAAAAA? Give the power to the container?" Are you scratching your head? Use the container itself (probably one that you already own--no need to buy a new one) as the definite and final limit of what you accumulate. Here’s what I’m talking about: Mementos--Pick one or two bins to store your family treasures, the items that really tell the story of who you are and how you arrived at this beautiful place in your life. You can keep whatever you want...AS LONG AS IT FITS IN THE BOX! Photos--As you go through your home, editing and organizing, most likely you will find pictures in more than one place, drawers, entertainment center, boxes, albums, start collecting them in one place but *NO PEEKING* keep going and save photos as ONE SEPARATE CATEGORY. Again, designate one or two big tubs to collect photos and when they start overflowing, start letting go of doubles, blurry photos, and ANY photo, actually that does not make your heart go pitter patter :) Also, consider a service like Yes Video to digitize your photos and videos.This will considerably consolidate the size of your photo collection! Crafts--Let’s say you’ve got a tub for yarn, one for scrapbooking items, or a box of glues and tapes, maybe even a whole shelving unit or room(!) for crafting items. When the tub or shelf or room is full, then it’s time to make a few decisions. Hint: Look WAAAAAAY at the bottom of the tub, you probably don’t use that can go. Magazines--Keep the current issues, perhaps designate a basket for them. When the basket gets full and the magazines start trailing off onto the floor or you have the urge to go get another basket or stuff them into a cupboard, or make another pile, that’s your cue! Start pulling out the old ones (even if you’ve not read them) they are clogging up your life and can be sent out into the world to enchant someone else. PS: They’re online. Books--Take a good hard look at your bookshelf. Are the books stuffed and stuck? Are there double rows, you know, one row of books in front of the other? Use the bookshelf as your “limiter”. And keep in mind that books hold LOTS of stagnant chi if they are not opened and read and loved. They have MANY SEPARATE PAGES and this gives them lots of power to drag your energy down. Give them space, keep the ones you love and only the amount that FIT on the bookshelf. Clothes--Clothes should have space to swing a little in the closet. If they are tight and hard to find or if the drawers of your dresser won’t close without a fight, it’s time to take a look at your space and keep only what fits inside the confines of your closet or dresser. If your shoe holder holds 36 pair then that’s what you keep...drastic, I know. Stuffed closets and drawers are always an energy drain! Files--When the file drawers get stuffed, it is NOT time to buy another file cabinet! If you want a big energy hit, go through the files, yes, one by one, and let go of that which does not serve you. There are only a few “official” papers that need to be saved. The rest can be scanned (check out TurboScan app for your iPhone--WOW!). Remember, too, that all owner’s manuals can be found on the product’s website or on the Manuals Online site. Get really clear about what absolutely has to be saved and let go of the rest. Files crammed with paper are not going to get you moving in life. They are only holding you back and keeping you stuck, really. So, now you’ve got the idea, yes? This principle applies to almost any clutter situation you may find yourself facing...basement, garage, ANYTHING! Give up a bit of control and let the container guide you. Let it serve as a physical limit for what stays. And if you want some support to get you moving in the direction of FREE and EASY contact me, I would love to help. Our homes should feel more like sacred spaces and less like storage facilities. Leave space for the sun to shine in! Lots of love, XO Jane
7/21/2015 06:14:17 am
Do you have any suggestions of archival safe containers for mementos and photos?
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Jane Antonovich