Are you ready to leave your comfort zone? Our June Q is a good one! And, one that I answer all the time--maybe it applies to you, too. Q: What are the Feng Shui principles regarding family photos in my bedroom? ~ Lisa A: Hi, Lisa! Thanks for your question, it’s one that I answer and speak to often--just this week as a matter of fact (Hi, Amy!) If you have a gorgeous pic or two of you and your sweetie (husband, wife, partner, SO) in your bedroom that’s awesome, no worries there… If you have your children, your parents, or other random family members’ pics in the bedroom, it’s time to reconsider. In Feng Shui terms, your bedroom is for rest, rejuvenation, and connecting intimately. So, random family pictures hanging or propped up on the dressers will have the effect of too many people in the bedroom WATCHING you. Plus, they are not just people, they are your family, double uncomfortable!!!! And, NOT conducive to relaxation and intimacy. Instead, here’s what I recommend:
You have just created something BIG and BEAUTIFUL out of a lot of “little” pieces! GORGEOUS, huh? This is a powerful way to display and honor your family. Far more dynamic than small pictures dotted all over the house. I hope this helps, Lisa! Let me know how your finished project turns out--I would love a picture! If you’d like support to create a gorgeous family wall--let me know, I would love to assist! Lots of Love, XO SUCCESS STORY: “My daughter had a meltdown at the thought of editing her room. (your suggestion) I just want to say, the editing worked its magic! Not long after, she was HUMMING! And quoting you! Funny how the resistance was easier to work through by editing and organizing her belongings. I’m a believer!” ~Amy D.
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Jane Antonovich