Our DreamBank event last Wednesday--Feng Shui for Health and Wellness--was SUPER FUN! Laura was the big winner of our door prize give-away (WOOHOO!!!), I met Nicole, talked with Mariah and Bev and even saw Lisa at the grocery store later that day! Thank you all so much for spending your lunch hour with us...and welcome to our e-community! It truly is my pleasure to share my passion for how our environments can be instrumental in transforming our lives. When your environment supports your life--with color, furniture placement, balance and beauty, THEN you have the energy to spread your joy and love around in the world--the ripple effect is AMAZING! So, to recap our event (for those of you who couldn’t make it…) we focused on three areas that could give you a HUGE boost in the Health and Wellness department! Feng Shui for Health and Wellness CLUTTER: Oh, yeah, I’m going to “mention” it again :) If you know me, you know that I will never stop--letting go of chaos, clutter, and stagnant chi is the single most powerful thing you can do to raise the energy of your space. AND, it’s the part you can most likely do for yourself... If you’ve misplaced your Design Essentials Kit, reply to this email and I will get you a fresh copy--inside is a Clutter Quiz and a Clutter Clearing Checklist--a great way to begin if you’re new to this! In Feng Shui you can’t hide (!) so IF you have clutter and chaos dragging you down (even if it’s in a closet, basement or off-site storage locker and you can’t “see” it) most likely you can FEEL IT--stress, lethargy, overwhelm, overweight, insomnia, confusion, headaches… Anyone? Ask yourself these questions to help you decide what to keep--
Start SMALL! But, do start :) KITCHEN: Take an inventory of your kitchen--the space you use DAILY to support your health. A powerful place to start shifting and improving your health:
Now that your kitchen has had an energy boost, let’s take a look at the spot where you’re actually eating--your dining table! (if you’re not eating at the dining table, check in with yourself, is this best for your optimal health?)
Could you make a couple of these shifts (or even one?) in your kitchen and dining areas? Is it time for a clear-out or an upgrade? Working with the energy of your kitchen and dining area can create a HUGE difference in your eating experience, your connection with family and guests, and your overall health and well-being. If you decide to give yourself even just one of these Feng Shui boosts--let me know--I would love to hear from you! And, if you want support to get your home or office feeling FENG SHUI AMAZING--we would love to support you--just reply to this blog post and we will be in touch! Lots of Love, XOXO
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Jane Antonovich