Do you remember Lily from last week’s post? She was our “Success Story” ( progress) and right in the midst of a basement “situation”. She was nursing her new baby and letting go of papers (at the same time--WONDER WOMAN!) Her motivation is to clear this space to become a lively playroom for her 2 older boys--and eventually, the baby. She sent this picture of the scene… I’ll be addressing some of Lily’s questions (and others) on tonight’s monthly Q & A call.
Lily needs support...
AND, Anne has just moved with two toddlers and hubby to Illinois. She has questions for the call tonight, too: Anne’s Questions...
Maybe you have a basement, office, closet, garage, attic, or kitchen “situation”. And, maybe you have some of the same (or similar) questions as Lily and Anne. Even though our situations are all unique it’s often true that there are similarities in the challenges. It helps to have the SUPPORT of others! If you have any additional questions to add, please hit REPLY to this email and send them along--I will get to as many as possible in 45 minutes. I’m excited!!! This is a compelling mix of using your HOME as a TOOL for TRANSFORMATION--decluttering, design and feng shui. I hope you can join us tonight! I’ll be on the line at 8pm CST (9pm ET). Call-in: 712-775-7085 Code: 626584# Lots of Love, XO
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Jane Antonovich