![]() In a HUGE departure from the norm this weekend, we had friends over for dinner. The kind of friends who bring musical instruments and chocolate for dessert…We had a wonderful time eating, talking, playing music and singing. It got me thinking...because when they left I felt so FULL, so SATISFIED and HAPPY! And, I have guitar of my own, my husband and I both like to sing but we don’t (unless it’s day #3 on a hiking trip)…WHY????? And we don’t go dancing very often either! (Swing Dance lessons already on the calendar for Feb.) Of course, it made me think, what else are ALL OF US ignoring that could sustain us in ways we’ve forgotten? Friends of mine just started a new Friday night GIRLS ONLY “thing” with wonderful food and conversation (Hi Jackie, Sally, Jamie...be there next week!). They are intentionally bringing their women friends together to infuse their home with more energy, love and laughter...to connect + raise the vibration of their home. Really! That’s what they said! What are other simple things such as those that “feed” us in our daily lives? This is my partial list...for me, some of them overlap, and I’m sure you could add a few: Good food, Connecting with Nature, Family, and Friends, Purpose/Work, Fun (including singing and dance but that’s me!), Physical activity, Knowledge, Spirituality, Beauty, AND... HOME, of course! Shelter is a basic human need. I imagine the caveman days...and that cave dwellers cared about their homes, swept out the bones and bits of debris, made beautiful rock sculptures, put wildflowers on the table, drew on the walls to tell stories, make art. (If there are any Anthropologists out there who have resources for this, I’d be interested, my cursory search turned up nothing, so I surmised. :)) So, if our homes are to REALLY nourish us, reflect with me on a few essential ideas: Become Aware: Just like I had a “moment” this weekend when I realized that playing and singing music could really fill me up in a way I had forgotten about, there are ways in which your home can feed your own personal energy, too. Do you feel in harmony with your home or does it drag you down? Do you smile as you’re driving home because of the joy and sustenance you know you’ll find waiting for you there? Or do you put your blinders on when you get home, because certain areas of your home make you feel anxious, depressed or tense? Remove Stagnant Energy: One of the most powerful ways to lift the energy of your home is to remove all of the stagnant energy. Take away to a donation center anything that no longer serves you, anything that does not immediately lift your energy when you think of it or hold it in your hands. Anything broken or way beyond its expiration date also gets the boot. This includes all categories: books, papers, clothes, kitchen items, craft supplies, tubs and boxes and shelves in the basement, attic or garage. And remember to consider the STUFF in your storage locker (YOU might not have one, but I’ll bet you know someone who does!) Make it Sparkle: Once you have eliminated the stuff that drags you down, consider ADDING elements to your space for even more vitality. Here are a few suggestions:
XOXO Jane PS: If you enjoy the blog, please share with your friends, we LOVE watching our family grow!
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Jane Antonovich